Chapter 10

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The Couples


Anne paused standing a couple of feet from the table the trio agreed to meet at to see Lydia, Jackson and his goons, and Allison sitting with them. 

"You move," Anne told the goon sitting next to Stiles. 

"Why would I do that sweetheart?" He asks giving an odd look Anne knew too well. 

"Move before I move you," she said in a lowered voice as the chatter from the other teens slowed to a stop hearing Anne's voice.


"Move." Anne didn't let him finish speaking as she grabbed his collar yanking him off the bench and onto the floor.

"Oh, shit," One of the teens yelped, and others gasped and laughed. 

"What the fuck?" he asks as she sat next to Stiles. 

"What?" she asks batting her eyelashes innocently.

"They never learn," Stiles whispers to her as the teens go back to their discussion. 

"Who cares? The guy's probably some homeless tweaker who's gonna die anyway," Jackson speaks dragging Stiles and her attention to the conversation. 

"Actually, I just found out who it is. Check it out," Stiles says positioning his phone for the table to hear and see the news video. 

"The Sheriff's department won't speculate on details of the incident but confirmed the victim, Garrison Myers, did survive the attack. Myers was taken to a local hospital where he remains in critical condition," the report on the video spoke. 

"Wait, I- I know this guy," Scott spoke as the video stopped.

"You do?" Allison asks. 

"Yeah, when I used to take the bus, back when I lived with my dad. He was the driver," Scott told the group. 

"Can we talk about something slightly more fun, please? Like..." Lydia says changing the subject, "oh, where are we going tomorrow night?" she asks turning to Allison and Scott. 

"oh no..." Anne mumbled Stiles barely hearing her sharing the same thought. 

"You said you and Scott were hanging out tomorrow, right?" Lydia asks the couple. 

"Um, we were thinking of what we were gonna do..." Allison answers not correcting her friend. 

"Well, I am not sitting home again, watching lacrosse videos, so if the four of us are hanging out, we are doing something fun," Lydia tells them inviting herself to their plans. 

"Oh my god," Anne muttered bringing the old notebook she had been reading to cover her face. Stiles just watched the disaster go down in front of them not saying a single word. 

"You know what else sounds fun? Stabbing myself in the face with this fork," Jackson spoke to the group how a plastic fork. 

"Oh- I would love to help with that," Anne spoke up, "I know about 5 places you can-" Anne was cut off by Stiles wrapping his hands over her mouth and an arm around her waist. 

"Nope, no, no," Stiles muttered holding the girl. 

"How 'bout bowling? You love to bowl," Lydia says turning to Jackson, "And you two can join too," Lydia says to Anne and Stiles who were bickering quietly. 

"Wh-what?" Stiles stutters out. 

"Can't, sorry, my dad is gonna be home, and we're having some family time," Anne tells the group without a second thought not wanting to get dragged out with them. 

"Awe, bummer, you guys are so cute," Lydia tells them. 

"I'm sorry what?" Anne asks taken back by her last comment. 

"You guys are dating, aren't you?" She asks the two. 

"Oh- no-" Anne stutters out

"Yea- no- we're not-" Stiles stumbles on his words both earning a look from Scott who knew both of their little secret about the other. 

"Oh, well, you guys would be cute together," Lydia finishes off that topic before the group shifts topic. 

"So bowling it is?" Lydia asks. 

"Yeah, if they're actual competition," Jackson bickered. 

"How do you know we're not 'actual competition?'" Allison shot back. 

"You can bowl, right?" Allison asks turning to the young werewolf who looked like he was still stuck on the 'hanging out'. 

"huh, uh, Sort of..." Scott muttered. 

"Is it 'sort of,' or 'yes?'" Jackson asks rolling his eyes. 

"Yes, in fact, I'm a great bowler," Scott says with fake confidence. 

"oh god," Anne mumbles mentally face-palming at the werewolf's comment. 


"You're a terrible bowler!" Stiles told Scott as the trio walked through the halls. 

"I know!" Scott groaned regretting his words. 

"You're a fucking idiot," Anne laughed at the thought of watching Scott bowl. 

"God, it was like watching a car wreck. I mean, first, it turned into the whole group-date thing, and then out of nowhere comes that phrase-" Stiles tells his friends. 

"Hanging out," Scott says nodding agreeing with his friend ignoring Anne's laughter at the situation. 

"You don't 'hang out' with hot girls, okay? It's like death. Once it's "hanging out," you might as well be her gay best friend. You and Danny can start hanging out," Stiles explains. 

"So either you're saying I'm not hot or you guys are my gay best friends," Anne says offended by the first part but laughing at the second. 

"I'm not touching that trap with a ten-foot pole," Stiles mutters shaking his head at her. She rolls her eyes before stopping in her place in the middle of the school hall as the boys continued. 

"How is this happening? I either killed a guy, or I didn't," Scott starts rambling, the two boys continue walking. 

"Alpha..." Anne mumbles. 

"I don't think Danny likes me very much..." Stiles says also going on his own ramble. 

"I ask Allison on a date, and now we're 'hanging out...'" Scott continues. 

"Not him..."

"Am I not attractive to gay guys?" Stiles asks continuing his ramble. 

"I make first line, and the team captain wants to destroy me, and now..." Scott pulls out his phone checking the time, "Now I'm gonna be late for work." 


"Wait, Scott, you didn't- am I attractive to gay guys-" Stiles calls out after Scott who runs off, "You didn't answer my question." he sighs turning to Anne who just stood there zoned out 

"Anne?" he called, "Annie? You ok?" he asks walking over so that he was in front of her. 

"no...wait..." Anne muttered in a trance. 

"Anne?" Stiles asks again reaching to grab her shoulder. 

"Alpha, the alpha, not Derek, he, what," Anne gasp trying to remember the vision as Stiles's touch pulled her out of her trance. 


Word Count 1,059

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15 ⏰

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