Chapter 2

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The New Girl


"Good morning my knights!" Anne says throwing her arms around the two boys as they walk through the halls of their school heading to their lockers before their next class.

"Morning princess," Stiles smiles throwing an arm over her shoulders. The group had these nicknames for each other given by their parents. They always saw Anne as a little princess with her two knights in shining armor always there to protect her and treat her right, making sure no one hurt her. Even though as years went on Anne was the one who seemed to be protecting them all the time, ironically.

"Now- what happened last night why didn't you call or text or anything letting us know you got home alright," Anne pestered Scott like a mother before he could even respond.

"Yea about that.." Scott started as the three stopped in front of their lockers lifting his shirt slightly revealing a bandage on his lower back, "it was too dark to see but I think it might've been a wolf," Scott explained unsure of himself.

"A wolf bit you?" Stiles questions Scott.

"Nope, not a chance," Anne tells him as she steals a piece of gum from Stiles.

"I heard a wolf howling," Scott exclaims. 

"No you didn't," Stiles says ignoring his comment.

"What do you mean 'no I didn't?' How would you know what I heard," Scott asks confused by his reply.

"California doesn't have wolves. Not in the last like sixty years," Anne explains to the boys.

"Really?" Scott asks turning to the dark-haired girl.

"Yea really," she says rolling her eyes at the boy.

"There are no wolves in California, my friend," Stiles says patting his friend on the shoulder.

"Well, if you don't believe me about the wolf, then you're definitely not going to believe me when I tell you I saw the body," Scott tells the two as they start walking.

"Wait actually!?" Anne says jumping up like a child getting candy.

"You're kidding," Stiles tells him in disbelief.

"I wish. I'm gonna have nightmares for a month," Scott says trying to shake the thought of seeing the body.

"That's freaking awesome. This is seriously the best thing that's happened to this town since..." Stiles says as he watches the strawberry blonde, "Since the birth of Lydia Martin," He says hitting the boy next to him.

"God, what is the thing with her? She's not that hot, no reason to drool over her dumbass," Anne says rolling her eyes and opening her locker as she watches the boy fan-girl over the redhead.

"Hey Lydia, how are you? You look.. like you're ignoring me," Stiles says as Lydia walks straight past them.

"What else did you expect," the dark-haired girl rolls her eyes grabbing her books and shutting her locker before dragging them to keep walking.

"You're the cause of this, you know. Dragging me down to your nerd depths. I'm a nerd by association. I've been Scarlet-nerded by you," Stiles complains to Scott ignoring Anne's comments.

"I doubt it, seeing as I still have many suitors and I hang out with you idiots," Anne says sending an annoyed smile at both as she drags both into the crowd trying to get to class.

"Suitors! What suitors?! Who's asses are we kicking?" Stiles says finally tuning into what Anne was saying.

"Shut up and sit children," Anne tells the boys, she sits behind Stiles while Scott sits beside Stiles, an empty seat behind Scott. The bell rings as the rest of the class piles in, a teacher following behind the crowds setting his case on the table at the front of the class.

"As you all know by now, there was indeed a body found in the woods last night. I'm sure your eager little minds are coming up with all sorts of macabre scenarios as to how it happened but I've been told that the police have a suspect in custody," Mr. Curtis speaks to the class of teens. The three of them share a look of confusion as this information was new to them. "A vagrant with a long history of psychiatric disorders was discovered camping out in the woods near where the body was found. This means your undivided attention can be given to the syllabus outlining the semester on your desks. Read it now. And by read, I don't mean skim." The teacher says switching the subject back to the class and away from the events that took place that night.

The class begins to flip through the multi-page syllabus reading it over to themselves quietly.

"These are so pointless, it's just the same bullshit as the year before," Anne begins to mumble to herself reading the papers in front of her.

"You ok?" Stiles pokes at her hearing her mumble to herself.

"Yea fine.. just.. annoyed is all," she replies not bothering to look up to face the boy. As the classroom door opens walking in the principal and another teen.

"Class, this is our new student Allison Argent. Please do your best to make her feel welcome," the principal introduces the teen. Mr. Curtis gestures for her to take any open seat which she does, the open seat behind Scott. Scott without saying anything hands her his pen a smile on his face.

"Thanks," Allison mumbles smiling back taking the pen. Turning to face the front as the teacher continues the class.


"Hey, Scott you alright?" Stiles asks the boy as he covers his ears as if there were loud noises as they walked to their lockers the white noise of students' conversations hitting them.

"Scotty?" Anne asks trying to get his attention. Watching his eyes as he calms she traced him watching Allison who was at her own locker.

"Someone got a crush," Anne mumbles to herself smiling.

"What?" Stiles asks standing next to her.

"Oh nothing," she smiled at the boy turning her back to the boys and looking through her locker.

"Can somebody tell me how New Girl is here all of five minutes and she's already in Lydia's cliche?" Harley asks as she approaches the trio at their lockers.

"Because she's hot. Beautiful people herd together." Stiles says only glancing at the group before back at the others in front of him.

"You saying I'm not hot?" Anne asks turning to Stiles obviously joking with him.

"Seeing as you hang with these two you definitely aren't," Harley smirked before walking away.

"I'm gonna-" Anne grumbles ready to launch at the other girl.

"Ok no violence," Stiles tells her grabbing onto her waist to hold her in place.

"Whatever," she slumps back down pouting in her spot staring at the boys in front of her.

"Awe bunny thinks she's scary," Harley remarks walking past the trio again. Anne glares up at the girl and then shoots a look at Stiles who puts his hands up giving her the go-ahead.

"And the bitch thinks she's smart," Anne says decking the girl.

"Oh my god, what the fuck," Harley screech's holding her face.

"Ok let's go," Stiles says as Scott grabbed their things Stiles picks the small girl up throwing her over his shoulder as they rush out of the hall.

"Hey put me down!" Anne whines kicking her legs.

"Promise not to get violent?" The boys ask as they entered the locker room.

"Sure yea whatever," Anne says rolling her eyes still over Stiles's shoulder.

"Promise?" Scott asks and pushes her to say it.

"Yes, I promise to not get violent... with you two," she answers, Stiles sets her down.

"Calm?" He asks taking a step back as a precaution.

"Calm." She answers rolling her eyes as the bell rang and boys started to pile into the locker room.


Word Count 1,296

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