Chapter 3

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The Sixth Sense


"Just think about this. If you play I'll have no one to talk to on the bench. You really gonna do that to your best friend?" Stiles complains as the group walks onto the field.

"You'll have Anne," Scott told him.

"No, I won't she's always up running around with coach yelling at everyone, you know this," Stiles continues to complain.

"No," Anne whines at the boy, "I sit pretty and quietly," she tells the boys flipping her hair dramatically.

"Pretty? Yes. Quiet? Never," Stiles says more to himself as the group sits on the metal bench.

"Dude I'm not sitting out again, my entire life has been sitting on the sidelines. This season I'm making first line," Scott announces to the two.

"McCall! You're in the goal," Coach yells at the boy.

"But I've never played goal," Scott says staring at the equipment confused.

"I know! Scoring will give the boys a boost of confidence," Coach tells him patting him on the shoulder.

"What about me?" He asks looking annoyed.

"Don't get hit in the face," Anne smiles at the boy shrugging her shoulders.

"What happened to you being pretty and quiet?" Scott asks her jokingly harshly walking towards the goal.

"I thought we established this? Pretty? Yes. Quiet? Never," she turns to Stiles acting innocent.

The team lines up as Scott stands waiting for the first ball to be shot at him. The whistle blows knocking Scott down as he hugs his ears getting knocked directly in the face.

"I thought I said DON'T get hit in the face," Anne shot up from her spot screaming at the boy.

"Way to go catching it with your face McCall," Jackson the team captain laughed as the rest of the team joined in.

"I swear I will kick your-," Anne starts shouting only for Stiles to grab her and contain the harsh words before they spilled out of her. 

Scott ignores the remarks and gets back up regaining his focus as the whistle blows again this time he catches the ball with ease.

"Oh my god!" Anne shoots back up looking between Scott and Stiles.

As the drill continues each ball launched at Scott lands in his net, catching them with ease. That would be till the infamous team captain was up. The friends sat on the edge of their seats watching nervously.

"Come on Scotty wipe that smirk off this douche's face," Anne mumbles watching as said captain made his throw.

"Oh My God!" the two jumped up as he catches the ball.

"THAT'S MY FRIEND!" Stiles yells out of excitement.

"LET'S FUCKING GO!" Anne joined in with Stiles cheering on Scott.

"WOOO!" Lydia and Allison cheered along for Scott. Anne glances at the two smiling at the support only to see Lydia shrugs and give a 'do better' look tracing the look to be directed towards her boyfriend, the team captain. 


"Guys if I knew this is how we were gonna spend our day I would've worn boots," Anne complained as the trio walked through the preserve.

"Oh come on Anne it's some dirt and water it won't kill you," one of the boys tries to reason as they approach a small creek.

"Uh yes it will, you don't understand that these shoes will be destroyed by all that water and mud," Anne replies as the boys walk through the water splashing each other slightly.

"Ok, come here," Stiles tells her back tracking through the water picking her up carrying her across the small stream of water.

"You really are such a princess sometimes," Stiles laughs as he sets her down.

"And you really are a knight sometimes," she smiled back at him patting his chest as her feet hit the dirt as they continued.

"So, Scotty, what the fuck happened at practice today?" Anne asks turning to him as they hiked.

"I-I don't know what it was. It was like I had all the time in the world to catch the ball. And that's not the only weird thing. I-I can hear stuff I shouldn't be able to hear. Smell things." Scott spilled to his best friends.

"Smell things? like what?" Anne asks confused.

"Like the mint mojito gum in Stiles's pocket," he admitted turning to now face the two.

"W-what? I don't even have any mint mojito-" Stiles tells them only to be cut off by feeling and pulling out a single piece that looks to have been in his pocket for a while.

"What the-" Anne looked between Scott and the piece of gum Stiles held, only getting an 'I told you so' from Scott.

"Ok, so this all started with the bite?" Stiles asks throwing the gum out of his hand away from the group.

"What if it's like an infection? Like, my body's flooding with adrenaline before I go into shock or something?" Scott panicked at his friends.

"Oh god," Anne mumbled to herself knowing what was about to happen.

"You know what? I actually think I've heard of this- it's a specific kind of infection," Stiles says hiding his smirk and looking at his friends with the utmost serious exterior.

"Are you serious?" Scott asks the panic obvious on the boy.

"Oh deadly Scott," Anne tells him following Stiles's lead attempting to mask her smile.

"Yeah. Yeah, I think it's called lycanthropy," Stiles tells him, Anne, unaware that was where he had been heading continued to follow hiding her small smile.

"What is that? Is that bad?" Scott asks somehow more panic settling in.

"Oh, yeah, the worst," Stiles tells him.

"But only once a month," Anne eggs him on.

"Once a month?" Scott asks his panic now replaced with confusion.

"Oh yea, once a month, on the full moon," Anne tells him as Stiles makes a small howling like a wolf.

"Oh my god," Scott rolled his eyes at the two only pushing Stiles as he huffs walking away.

"Hey, you're the one who heard a wolf howling!" Stiles shouts as they followed him.

"There could be something seriously wrong with me!" Scott yells at his friends.

"I Know!" Stiles tells him.

"You're a werewolf!" Anne chimes in laughing at herself.

What if he was? Would that make it easier? I wonder...

"Okay, obviously we're kidding. But, if you see me in shop class trying to melt all the silver I can find, it's 'cause Friday's a full moon," Stiles tells his friend dropping the joke and placing his hand on his best friend's shoulder.

"No, I-I could have sworn this was it. I saw the body, the deer came running. I dropped my inhaler..." Scott says looking around confused.

"Maybe the killer moved the body?" Anne suggested.

"If he did I hope he left my inhaler those things are like eighty bucks,"

"Or she, girls are just as likely to kill someone as a man, they're just better at getting away with it," Anne tells her friends shrugging like what she had just said was perfectly normal.

"Some day, one of these days, we're gonna say something or do something that's gonna break that bottle open and she's gonna murder us and get away with it," Stiles breaths out to his friend.

"You know I can fucking hear you," Anne laughs at the boys. "Plus I wouldn't kill you, more like for you if it really came down to it," she tells them nonchalantly.

"what are you doing here?" A male's voice booms at them.


Word Count 1,240

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