Part 15

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((Sorry guys I have writers block right now, but at the moment this was all I could come up with and normally I write a bit more. So just to show you I haven't given up I posted the bit that I was able to write down :)))


-Midnight POV-

I found myself sinking, air bubbles escaped my mouth as the surface light seemed to dim. I turned my head and saw a child in the same predicament I was in. I tried to reach out for her but as I stretched out my hand I realized that the rest of my body wouldn't move, so I tried to stretch my arm as far as I could and felt that I was getting closer to her. Suddenly someone grabbed the kid and began swimming towards the surface with her in their grasp.

More air bubbles escaped my lips, when a light engulfed me and soon I found myself standing next to some lady giving the child CPR. The kid began to cough up water and the lady laughed.

"There you go, you scared me there for a minute." She said with the softest blue eyes I've ever seen. It had taken me a moment to remember what was going on, but this was when I first had met Alice the Hunter, who soon became my first guardian.

"Where am I?" Asked 7 year old me as she clutched her head in pain.

"That doesn't matter now" Alice stated as she moved her blonde hair back "what you need now is some first aid" as she said this she helped the child to sit up and she spotted something on the kid's arm. "Hey... What's that?" She pointed to the writing which in black lettering read MIDNIGHT.

Little me shrugged "I don't know" she coughed a bit more and began to shiver.

"Here take this." Alice got her trench coat and covered the child up, she had left it on the shore so it wouldn't get wet.


"No problem um..." She paused unsure what to call her "so what's your name kid?"

"I don't remember" little me was on the verge of tears now as realization sank in

"Hey now don't cry, how bout for now we call you Midnight, at least until we can return you to your family"


"Alice what are you doing!?!" A man wearing a duster stepped out from the woods.

"Calm down Seth.."

"Listen Alice we are in a middle of a mission, you can't go about saving every person you see in need!" He scolded as his dark grey eyes glared, but he didn't raise his voice.

"Ugh" Alice rolled her eyes as she carried the kid on a piggy back ride.

This man, Seth, was a slayer and within three years tops he became my second guardian. I knew now what this all meant and I didn't like it. I always tried to forget the past and pushed it all away completely, but it seemed like they wanted to come back.

I glared at the ground cursing. These people played a big role in my life and I had learned a lot from them, the ways of both the kind hearted hunter and the merciless slayer. They trained me to fight against werewolves, vampires and much more!

Darkness surrounded me again and this time I was happy about it, I knew I was going to wake up soon, and it was enough to calm my aching heart. I miss those two a lot but nothing will bring them back. I smirked, but just because they are gone it doesn't give me any right to forget everything they taught me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2013 ⏰

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