Chapter 22

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I quietly cried as I looked down at Devins body. Everyone , meaning only 10 people including some lost boys.

As everyone left I adjusted my hair, sniffling. I looked down at my wrist, Devins dirty bandana tied around my wrist. I had kept it in a drawer in Regina's house and I pulled it out as soon I made it back there.

It was past nightfall now and Devins face was illuminated by a torch that was lit up.

Everyone had begun to leave, leaving only myself, Slightly, Tootles, and Sam. None of us said anything, I averted my gaze to Tootles who looked to be upset, I couldn't blame him. He was his bestfriend.

I looked down at the white flowers that Slightly had in his hand and gently pulled one out. I placed the soft white petals of the flower on top of Devins head. Similar to the way I had the night he saved me from Nibs.

After that Sam picked up a shovel, as did Slightly and Tootles walked over to me and gave me a bone crushing hug. "You're like the only thing I have left." He says in my ear and I hug him closer.

I pulled away and put my hands on his shoulders, "I won't leave you." I say looking up at him and his gaze softened in the orange light provided from the torch. I loved him like my brother.

I held his hand and hid my face in his shoulder as Sam and Slightly buried their friend and my lover.

After that I walked to Regina's house and reflected on everything. But I thought about Devin dying the most. How helpless I had felt, Tootles holding me back and how all I could was cry while I watched.

I stayed up most of night laying in bed, I remember when I was younger I used to stay up late watching scary videos but now I don't stay up late because I don't want to sleep, it's because I can't.

(Six months later)

As I stared at the bushes of flowers surrounding me in a garden, I think a lot. A lots happened, I left Storybrooke the next day, making sure to say goodbye to Slightly and Sam, making sure that I'll keep in touch with them. As for Tootles I brought him back home to Corona with me. He works with Finley and the two get along really well. My parents basically took Tootles in as his son, hard to imagine the same boy I met when I was first on Neverland. The awkward and understanding one who I had met the first day on Neverland.

Everything is much more peaceful in Corona, there's no villains or battles like there is in Storybrooke and even though I miss all of the adventures and the alarming amount of times me and Henry were kidnapped by villains, I don't miss being afraid of Peter there. I seem to only get nightmares of him there.

I miss Regina though and I still feel guilty for leaving, the night before when I was packing she begged me to stay but I just couldn't. I never ate and I never slept. But I'm better now, I haven't gotten over Devin and I don't think I'll ever be over me getting raped.

But I can't stay in the past. I know it's not what Devin would've wanted.

I still talk to everyone in Storybrooke, they all understand why I left. Alice, my old redheaded best friend even managed to slip a text to me. Telling me all about her new life in New Jersey with her quote 'Johnny Depp looking boyfriend' and how she's even pregnant. She's around 19 now and I haven't aged one bit, I'm still 16. I'm happy for her, she always did talk about having kids young and having an epic love story.

"Flower for your thoughts?"

I turned my head, alarmed and ready to fight but I let out a breath of relief as I saw Sams light green eyes staring at me, his freckles that peppered his cheeks looking especially good in the golden sun that was beating down on us.

I smiled from surprise, "Sam! What are you doing here?" A flow of wind blowing my hair  slightly and Sam to be staring at me in awe as I took the tulip from his soft hand.

"I felt like visiting you and Tootles." He shrugged and smiled awkwardly as he scratched the back of his neck. I giggled softly as he did this. So cute.

I stood up and he began to follow me as I walked through the beautiful garden we had in Corona. "How are you holding up?" He asked and I paused for a couple of seconds.

"I'm doing better." My reply was short and clipped and I'm sure he understood I didn't want to talk about it.

I turned to face him, my head tilting up slightly as he was taller than me. I admired his face for a second, his long eyelashes, his fawn hair that had grown a bit longer and his light green eyes that had a beautiful set of freckles lying under them.

"I always thought that you were the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen." He whisper and I smiled.


He nodded and pushed a strand of hair behind my ear, I closed my eyes feeling safe instead of disgust. I reopened them and grabbed ahold of Sams hand, smiling as he gave me a re assuring squeeze.

Everything was finally going to be okay.


Well I'm totally not crying.

Just kidding even though I am sad that this was the last chapter. I think I released this book back in November and I'm really happy with how well it's gone.

Thanks for everything! Writing for the last time :(

-your friend that wants more mango freeze boba

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