Chapter 16

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Slightly long chapter

Violet punched me in the nose which caught me by surprise. I fell on the floor and she got on top of me, her hands on my throat as I tried my best to get her off of me without hurting her.

The door barged open and in came Hook, he ran towards Violet and grabbed her by the waist, trying to get her off of me but she bit him and elbowed him in the stomach.

"Violet stop it's me!" I yelled as she came running back towards me and kicked me in the stomach, I let out a groan as I fell on the floor and she once again put her hands on my throat! I started seeing dots and my vision went black. The last thing I saw was Violet getting hit over the head and my mother Regina rushing towards me.

I woke up, in pain, and I knew my face was more bruised. I opened my eyes and saw my mom Regina, Hook, Snow, David, and my other mother Emma.

I opened my mouth to speak my mom Emma shushed me. "Don't try to speak. You're throat is injured."

"W-what-" I attempted to croak out and Hook finished my sentence. "What happened? Violets gone crazy." He said and my mom nudged him in the shoulder.

"Is she?" I croaked out, my voice was hoarse and I could barely hear it. "Violets fine. We just had to get her off you." David answered me and I nodded.

"We think Pan changed her memories of you. He's made her think that.." My mom Regina trailed off and I looked around the room nervously. "Made her think w-what?"

"He's made her think that we did this to her. That we're the ones who hurt her and beat her." Hook said and my eyes widened.

Then my mom and Hook looked at each other as if asking who was going to break the news. "What?" I asked hoarsely.

"Pan marked her, he.." Emma trailed off and Hook scoffed in disgust. "His first initial is carved into her forearm. He did it with a dagger."

My lips parted and my eyes widened. What the hell?! "W-why would he do that?" I muttered and Rumplestiltskin sighed.

"To mark her as his property, to make her his forever." He sighed in disgust and disappointment.

"Can we fix her?" Snow asked Rumple who walked in to check on me and he sighed. "Fear is one of the most powerful emotions, when she sees you, that's all she thinks."

"We'll that's not helping!" Regina snapped and Rumple glared at her. "We just have to get her to warm up to us. We can't really bring her real memories back since her true love is dead."

My eyes went to the edge of my bed, feeling horrible for Violet. She's lost so much, I don't blame her if she doesn't want to get her memories back.

"We'll w-we have to try something?!" I croaked and they all shifted uneasily.

* * *

Two days have passed and Violet finally woke up. I got better as well and I still have some some bruising on my face but can I finally speak again.

We all watched anxiously and listened threw the window of the hospital as Finley stepped in the room.

Violet laid on the bed with a blank face as she stared at her older brother. Her eyes will still a little red and she still had some bruising. She looked terrible.

"Hey." Finley said softly as he walked over to her and sat on the bed. "Fin." Violet said staring at him.

"He's way too close." Hook said as he looked over at the rest of us. "She won't hurt him. At least I don't think she would." Rapuznel replied and we continued to watch with anxious eyes.

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