Chapter 19: Pensieve

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Raven POV

The next morning I went to the common room, and told Luna and Jasper about the maze. "Well, that doesn't sound too bad." Jasper said. "You'll definitely have no trouble with the creatures."

"Yeah, I was thinking the same thing." I said.

"Still." Luna said, resting a hand on my shoulder. "Promise me you'll still be careful."

"I promise, Luna, don't worry." I assured her, patting her head.

"Do you need any help learning more spells before the task?" Jasper asked.

"No, no I believe I've got plenty down." I replied. "I need to go check on Harry though. I reckon he could learn a bit more."

"Alright, let us know if you need anything. We're here for you." Jasper said.

"Thanks, guys. I really appreciate the help you've given me this past year." I said bringing them into a hug.

"Always." Luna said as they returned the hug.

After departing from the common room, I made my way to the Great Hall, and went to the Gryffindor table to talk to Harry.

Upon sitting down, Harry began to tell me about Barty Crouch being in the forbidden forest when he went to talk to Krum. He said he didn't look right in his mind, Krum was stunned when he got back with Dumbledore, and Barty Crouch had disappeared. Moody had gone to look for him after that, but they haven't heard anything else yet.

"We're going to go talk to Professor Moody later if you'd like to join us." Hermione said.

"Yeah, I'll join you. This sounds serious." I said.

Daphne then came up and sat next to me. "Hey." She said quietly

"Hey." I greeted.

"Take a look at Pansy." Daphne said slightly glancing at the Slytherin table, biting her lips. I looked over and scanned the table for a girl with short dark hair and hazel eyes. Once I found her, I saw bags under her eyes, her face looking exhausted, and she kept trying to not doze off.

"Bloody hell, what'd you do?" I asked with a slight chuckle.

"Well, last night when she went to take a shower I had Chase deliver some dungbombs under her pillow, and she kept tossing and turning in her bed because of the smell." Daphne explained, giggling as she did.

I chortled. "That's awesome." I gave her a high five.

"I almost feel bad for her." Daphne said, looking at Pansy. "Almost."

"Karma had to catch up with her eventually." I said.

"Yeah, but I don't want to physically harm her." Daphne said. "I'm not that kind of person, and she doesn't deserve that much. She needed a lesson though."

After departing from the Great Hall, and a boring lesson in History of Magic, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and I made our way to Defense against the Dark Arts class. Once we got there, we saw Moody leaving.

"Professor Moody?" Harry called.

"Hello, Potter." Moody said, eyeing all of use. "Come in here." He strode us into his empty classroom.

"Did you find him?" Harry asked after Moody closed the door. "Mr. Crouch?"

"No." Moody said, moving over to his desk.

"Did you use the map?" Harry asked.

"Of course." Moody replied. "Took a leaf out of your book, Potter. Summoned it from my office into the forest. He wasn't anywhere on there."

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