Chapter 24: Raven

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Wren awoke the next day feeling rejuvenated. All the emotional and mental exhaustion she had from last night was gone. The scent of breakfast filled her nose, so she got out of bed and headed downstairs. She saw Andromeda setting the table with breakfast dishes.

"Good morning, Wren." Andromeda said. "Sleep well?"

"Morning, Andy, and yeah, it's like you spiked those potions." Wren chuckled. Andromeda gave a small laugh.

"At least you're still making jokes." Andromeda said smiling.

Wren gave a small smile, then asked, "Any news on Raven?"

Andromeda frowned. "Nothing yet, dear." Wren's face dropped. Andromeda then poured some orange juice in two glasses. "Come eat." She sat down. "I hope you don't mind, I used some of your food."

"Not at all, thank you." Wren said joining her. "Did you get some sleep too?"

"I did, I borrowed the guest bedroom." Andromeda replied.

After eating and getting dressed, Wren and Andromeda headed to St. Mungo's to check on Raven. When they got there, Nymphadora and Ted were sitting on their chairs asleep. Moody, however, was wide awake. Wren went to sit next to Moody, while Andromeda went to wake her husband and daughter.

"Hey, Alastor." Wren said putting a hand on his shoulder, and sitting down next to him. "Anything change?"

"No, nothing." Moody sighed, then looked at Wren. "You're looking a lot better."

"It's amazing what a shower and a good nights rest does for you." Wren chuckled.

Andromeda woke up her husband and daughter and stood them up. "I'm going to take them home so they can get some rest."

"Okay, Andy, thank you for everything, and give them my thanks when they're more awake as well." Wren said. Andromeda nodded with a smile then guided her half awake husband and daughter home.

"You should get some rest too, Alastor." Wren said. "Or at least some food."

"Food actually sounds good." Moody said standing up. "And my legs could use some stretching."

"Your one leg you mean." Wren joked.

"Haha." Moody scoffed. "I'll be back."

"Alright, and thank you for looking after him." Wren said.

"Always have." Moody said walking out the door.

A thought popped into Wren's mind when she was watching Raven. She quickly reached her hand under his shirt and gave a sigh of relief when she felt her husbands wedding ring still around her son's neck.

It slipped her mind last night when her emotions were all over the place. She held the ring between her index finger and her thumb, admiring it. She never told Raven what it was protecting him from and she hoped it'd never have to.

She took her glove off and looked to her own wedding ring still on her finger. It contained the same protection her husbands ring had. She put her glove back on and looked to the most recent gift Raven gave her, her snowflake necklace. It was beautiful and she loved it, she just hoped it wasn't going to be the last gift her son gave her.

"Hey there, Little Bird." Wren said grabbing his hand. "I don't know if you can hear me but, just know that I love you with all my heart. I'll be here by your side, waiting for you to wake up no matter how long it takes. I'll wait forever if I have to. Just...please wake up soon... please don't make me live without you."

That same day, Daphne was in the girls bathroom, sobbing over the sink thinking about Raven. "Why did I wait to tell him?" She asked herself. "Why didn't I just say it? I should've told him before he went into the maze. No, I should've told him during the Yule Ball. Who cares what Snape and Karkaroff would've said, or I should've just ran out of my common room after the Ball and ran into his arms."

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