Chapter 4: Winky

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3rd Person POV

Barty Crouch went flying onto the ground, his nose broken and bleeding. "How dare you attack my son, you bastard!" Growled the voice of Wren Mordecur. She was giving him a death glare. Anyone who knew her, knew to never do anything to her son, or they'd regret it.

"He's a suspect!" Mr. Crouch protested, holding his nose.

"He's fourteen! Out of all the people you suspect him, knowing full well who it was that killed his father?!" Wren shouted. "I'll have your head for this Crouch!" She then quickly ran over to her son, small tears in her eyes. "Raven, baby, are you okay?" She asked worried, her voice now soft.

Raven quickly embraced her in a hug, and she returned it. "I'm okay, Mum." He said weakly. "I'm glad you're safe."

"I promised I'd come back to you." Wren smiled, holding his face.

"Nice punch by the way." Raven said.

"That one was for you, Little Bird." Wren chuckled. "And he deserved it. Thank you for helping him, Carlos." Wren smiled to him.

"No problem." Carlos said. He and Wren helped Raven stand. Wren kept her arm wrapped around him, while Carlos went towards Mr. Crouch. Raven leaned into his mother, as he was still a little dizzy. She picked his wand up from the ground and gave it back to him. Mr. Crouch stood up and used his own wand to fix his nose.

"Where did the Mark come from?" Mr. Weasley asked quickly.

"Over there." Hermione said, pointing at the place where they had heard the voice. "There was someone behind the trees...they shouted words-an incantation-"

"Oh, stood over there, did they?" Mr. Crouch questioned suspiciously. "Said an incantation, did they?"

No, it just appeared out of nowhere. Raven thought sarcastically.

"You seem very well informed about how that Mark is summoned, missy." Mr. Crouch said. But the others didn't suspect any of the kids. They pointed their wands in the direction Hermione indicated.

"We're too late." One witch said, shaking her head. "They'll have Disapparated."

"I don't think so." Amos Diggory said. "Our Stunners went right through those trees... There's a good chance we got them..."

"Amos, be careful!" A few wizards warned as Mr. Diggory went into the darkness. "Yes! We got them!" They heard him shout a few second later. "There's someone here! Unconscious! It's-but-blimey..."

"You got Someone?" Mr. Crouch shouted. "Who? Who is it?" Mr. Diggory emerged from behind the trees, and the tiny, limp figure he was carrying was Winky. Mr. Crouch did not move or speak as Mr. Diggory set Winky down at his feet.

"This-cannot-be." Mr. Crouch said jerkily. "No-"

"Bit embarrassing." Mr. Diggory said grimly. "Barty Crouch's house-elf...I mean to say..."

"Come off it, Amos." Mr. Weasley said quietly. "You don't seriously think it was the elf? The Dark Mark's a wizard's sign. I requires a wand."

"Yeah, and she had a wand." Mr. Diggory said.

"What?" Mr. Weasley questioned.

"Here, look." Mr. Diggory held up a wand and showed it to Mr. Weasley. "Had it in her hand. So that's clause three of the Code of Wand Use broken, for a start. No non-human creature is permitted to carry or use a wand."

There was a crack, and Ludo Bagman appeared next to Mr. Weasley. "The Dark Mark!" He panted. "Who did it? Did you get them? Barty! What's going on?" Mr. Crouch's face was still ghostly white. "Where have you been, Barty? Why weren't you at the match? Your elf was saving you a seat too-gulping gargoyles!" Bagman noticed Winky. "What happened to her?"

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