chapter 8(the first day)

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Severus woke as he felt his son snuggled into his shoulder he realized that he still has to adress all of the new Slytherins this morning as he was supposed to do last night before everyone went to bed his only grace is that he had sent a note to the prefect saying it would be this morning so he carefully lifted his son as to not wake him yet and got dressed then walked into the hallway closing the door softly before calling a house elf to him "floppy" it popped in excitedly "what can floppy do for master sevvy" Severus slightly grinched at the name but kindly replied "I need you to bring hadrian trunk to my spare room at the end of his bed" the little elf bounced on its heels nodding it's head as it's ears flopped about before popping away but not with out saying "yes master sevvy" Severus walked down the hall to the room he had decided was his son's and seen the trunk he went to open it but the lid wouldn't budge it was locked he saw a needle pop out and realized that his son had thought about him needing to get in so he pricked his finger and the top compartment popped open he looked through the clothes in the compartment and realized that his son had absolutely no school under clothes so he grabbed a pear of his son's black day robe's,the school over cloak and tie shutting the lid and walking back to his still sleeping son he waved his wand switching his clothes for the ones in his hands and moving his already worn clothes to the laundry basket then he gently started to try and wake him"hades it's time to wake up" "hmm still tired" was the reply he got back sighing he spoke" I know but we need to get to the Slytherin common room so I can speak with the first years" Severus watch as his son just opened his eyes looked at him sleepily and then transformed into a small black sugar glider and hoped on to his shoulder and smuggled into his hair falling back asleep he sighed and walked to the Slytherin common room staying in the shadows as he watched the prefects speak to the first years, when he was finally mentioned he walked forward startling most of the firstys he spoke calmly    "hello I am your head of house professor Severus Snape and my words to you are this, your house is your family in public we stand together if you have a problem with a house mate do it in common room if you do something against the rules don't get caught, remember we protect are own any questions" Severus watch as no but his godson draco raised his hand with a nod to him draco spoke "un-professor Snape why is there a rat thing on your shoulder" at this Severus bit his lip to stop from laughing, when he heard a squeak from his shoulder and looked to see the little sugar glider glaring at draco who looked slightly put out "Mr Malfoy that's a-" but was cut off as the little glider jumped off his shoulder turning into his son and everyone gaped as he snapped out "I'M NOT A BLOODY RAT I'M A SUGAR GLIDER" then ever so quit with a astounding amount of venom he continued " and if you ever call me a rat I will turn you permanently  into a one" draco just nodded his head with wide eyes then  as if a switch was turned Hadrian turned from the devil to an innocent angel just smiling innocently at everyone before he  transformed in to a hummingbird and quickly flying back to Severus's shoulder and turning back into a sugar glider. Severus's rolled his eyes walking out of the common room to the professor table and sat down in his usual chair next to Minerva and filled his plate with enough for both him and hades as he started eating he would take a bit of and give it his son which every one that saw it including the other professors where gaping at him Severus rolled his eyes thinking:what have they never seen a vampire feed a sugar glider before: "umm Severus are you alright" Minerva asked slowly, Severus just rolled his eyes and with a draw slowly as if talking to a toddler replied "yes why" "well is that your new pet or something" "no it's my son" and with that Minerva looked as him as though he was insane "Severus that not a child please tell me you haven't been spending to much time with Mr flinch" at that the little glider made a slight snickering sound paired with Severus glare it was an odd sight, Severus very aggravatedly said "hades turn back now or you will never turn back again" the glider jumped off Severus shoulder on gliding to the ground tuning back into the little vampire who was laughing to the point of crying at the looks of astonishment on the teachers faces. It took Minerva minutes to get her head around what she just saw I mean a animagis at 11 was unheard of the youngest was 15 but when she did said very excitedly "your coming to class with me early to do my first year introduction you are the perfect example of determination" now it was Severus's turn to snicker at the look on his son's face as he said"yeah I umm mean sure transfiguration is my first class today anyways" Minerva looked very very happy before stalling and asking "wait is your animagis registered" Severus's son smirked and replied "yes I am registered with a government" Severus Easily saw that loop hole in his son's wording but said nothing as his son turned into a bird and landed on Minerva's shoulder as she walked out of the hall to her class room where hades turned back as Minerva became a calico cat with glasses markings jumping on to the desk. Hades looked at her for a minute before turning into a little black kitten and jumping up next to her curling up by her tail eyes on the door. It took a little while for students to start piling in but soon they had a full class only missing two students a Ronald Weasley and Seamus Finnegan who where slightly panting as they burst into the room with Ron commenting "few glad the professor isn't in yet" hades could of snickered if he didn't want to give them away but professor McGonagall took that moment to jump from the desk and transformed back mid jump saying"Mr Weasley,Mr Finnegan do you want to explain to me why you are late,do I need to turn you into pocket watchs"Ron swallowed thickly "sorry professor we got lost"professor McGonagall glared at the two boys "then perhaps a map would be better, take your seats"both boys all but ran to take there seats, professor McGonagall smiled"now that everyone is hear we can begin"Hermione granger raised her hand professor McGonagall raised an eyebrow "yes ms  Granger?"Hermione cleared her throat "professor Harry Potter  isn't here*professor McGonagalls eyes narrow"that's because there isn't a Harry Potter at this school Mrs Granger only a Hadrian Snape"Hermione huffed"but professor Dumbledore said that his name is Harry Potter and he's just being foolish"professor McGonagall glared"is that so Ms Granger, don't believe everything a teacher tells you there is no Harry Potter and there never was"Hermione huffs"but professor Dumbledore said-"McGonagall cuts her off"Ms Granger I don't care what Albus said"Hermione glares"fine then potter should still get detention because he's not in class"McGonagall rolls her eyes"but he is here Ms Granger "the Stirn professor points at the black kitten, Hermione huffs"that's just a cat professor"Hades jumps off the desk transforming back"you were saying"Hermione sneers with wide eyes"n-no that's impossible wizards can only have one animagis form"hades smirks walking to his seat"and that's why you won't get far Granger your to closed minded, professor if your ready to start" 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2023 ⏰

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