chapter 7(first night)

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(Hade's pov)

I watched as my father smiled down at me before talking "where have you been" I realized I had not spoken of anything about anything to focused on meeting him I didn't even send an appointment letter to gringotts to add father as my guardian I've already removed dumbls but I can't get emancipated till 15 but just as I was deep in thought I felt my father's hand on my shoulder and looked up and realized I hadn't answered so I said "I was with mom's sister" he looked livid before saying" you where with tuni" he looked really mad I didn't even know he knew her I said"you know aunt" he replied with"I grew up with your mother and was around her family quite a bit tuni used to call us freaks" with that I burst out laughing my father looked at me like I lost it so when I got my breath back enough I said" she really hasn't changed" I think I made him madder. He slowly started breathing again after he was calm, before grabbing me and holding me close to himself he smelled of plants and spic. And for the first time I felt safe I laid my head on his chest closing my eyes and relaxing before I even realized It i was asleep.

(Severus pov)

I look looked down as I heard my son's breathing even out, noting he was asleep I slowly stood and walked to my guest bedroom and slowly put him the bed careful not wake him, taking off his outer robe and shoe's waving my wand to change his clothes to pajamas,l. Before heading to my own room and changing my self and crawling into bed as I lay there for what seems like hours because vampires need very little sleep, I start to feel fear going through the bond to my son. I got up and walked quickly to the room my son was asleep in , once I got there I noticed he was asleep but squirming his face in a frown and it hit me he was having a nightmare.i wasn't to worried Intel my son said something in his sleep that would have made my heart stop if it was beating.

(Hade's pov "dream")

I was back in the kitchen of my relatives home cooking there meals not paying much attention till I smelled it smoke I had burnt the food I heard uncle Vernon before I seen him not that it was hard since he was stomping towards me he snatched me up by my overly large shirt and took me into the living room and proceeded to beat me for "wasting good people's money" I heard my self start to beg for him to stop, felt the same pain I had known my entire went black and then I could just see out the vent, uncle Vernon talking to ..... The headmaster? What he comes towards my cupboard opening the door and turning his wand towards me casting a spell I didn't know I felt cold again. Intel I felt a foreign feeling on of being held and rocked? As that feeling started I felt my self waking up.

(Severus pov)

I watched as my son struggled, begging for his pig of uncle to stop and, I did the only thing I could think Of I got it to the bed hugging him close speaking softly to try and wake him rocking back and forth softly. I watch as his tear filled eyes Start to open before looking at me in the face ,then he started nuzzling his face into my shoulder whimpering slightly and begging for me not to leave him so I carefully picked him up and brought him to my room and laid down with him in my arms and , slowly and surprisingly I felt my self drift into a dreamless sleep.

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