chapter 6 (father,son bonding)

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(Hade/harry pov)

I watched as my father wrote on a piece of paper after it disappeared and a goblet popped up in front of me, and right from the smell I could tell it was blood, he was testing if I was a vampire like the whole prince/snape bloodline I took it and took a sip and raised the goblet to him my eyes flashing red he smirked and rose his own goblet eyes the same shade of red as he put it to his lips drinking deeply as I did the same, he then put it down and nodded to the door before standing I did the same and followed him out.

(Third person POV)

As the two walk out not saying a word down the hall severus sped at top vampiric speed with hayden right behind him as they reached a painting of Salazar Slytherin in the deepest part of the dungeon Severus said "lilyflower" and they walked in and sat on a couch before hayden began to speak"it's nice to meet you father" severus was trying to think of what to say words playing with answers till he finally said "I'm so sorry I didn't know" hayden just smiled before standing and hugging Severus, who was in complete shock at the contact so hearing his sons voice once more"I know I didn't ether till a blood test at gringotts I don't blame you" at this Severus rapped his arms around his young and smiled a real smile for the first time in years as his eye glowed bright at the sent he could see his sons doing the same he knew what was happening for it had happened to him and his own mother but he was much younger,as his son spoke once more " I -  father um" only to be cut off by Severus saying" I know its nothing to fear that's are vampiric side senting each other it is normal for parents and child to feed on one another,so they will be able to find each other no matter how far away, I just never thought I would have the honor of doing it myself" hades nodded and smiled, Severus said"OK you see this bite mark its my mother's all you need to do is bite there and it will glow gold then I'll bite you in the same place and when you have kids you'll do the same" hades nodded and slowly brought his lips to his fathers wrist and dug his fangs in drinking softly but his father smiled and said"you need to drink deeper my child"

(Hadrian POV)

As I drink the red liquid from my father I felt a odd feeling of warmth fill my body and stopped pulling back I saw the mark glow and looked up to my smiling father who had his hand out I gave my own hand to him and watched as he very gently brought it to his fangs biting in. It didn't hurt it was tingling and warm but not painful, once he was done I was left with a dull bite mark on my wrist.

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