chapter 4 (studys & a train)

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(Hades/Harry's POV)

I woke up on the morning of the first and finished packing I had a new trunk that I got a few days ago selling my other because it wasn't big enough nor was it secure enough I have read all my school books plus some I studied potions and dark arts the most I also went to gringotts and got books out of the vaults, out of the potter vault I got my mums potion notes james journal i have to say I don't like him, I got some more extensive dark arts books out of the  grindelwald vault and voldemort him selfs notes out of the grunt vault, I have finished my animagus transformation and found out that vampires once you get it ,you can take form of any animal you know, it must be whare the the idea for the power in Dracula came from I have also mastered occlumency and legilimency after a long while of trying I have made my own dark mark too from voldemorts notes, i mean come on I'm the grandson of gellert grindelwald and the great cousin to tom riddle what do you expect. I also have fully finished my familiar bond and I must say that hurt, I mean the snake bit me and  poisoned me now I have a tattoo of a snake, right now I'm pulling on my black day robes and heading where I'm meeting hagrid so I shrink my trunk and hadwigs cage letting her out the window and picking up Obsidian I walked out of the pub, I walked along the road down the block before dissipating I know not to let anyone see me because you need a license and you need to be 17 so I was a block away from where I was meeting hagrid I sped over to him with vampire speed making sure no one saw me as I do he jumped when I was next to him but didn't say anything as we made are way to the station, but he left me with out even telling me where the platform was so I just followed the smell of wizard blood, witch lead me to a family of red heads as I watch as they run through the wall I walked up and asked how and the elder red head showed me so I walk on to the platform looking around before I spotted a group of familiar platinum blondes who when they saw me waved me over so I said "hello lord malfoy, draco lady malfoy" Lucius said "now nun of that hades call me uncle Lucius your my brothers son after all" I was a little bit shocked but didn't comment as lady malfoy said "yes and call me aunt Cassie" I just nodded before say "welp me and draco should probably get on the train uncle Lucius,aunt Cassie I will see you soon good bye" with that we bored the train and stat down before both of us could speak the door opened and the youngest red head from earlier came in and said"can I sit here every where else is full" I looked to draco who just shrugged I then read his mind and found that his mother hasn't told him anything about the money so I nodded and spoke"sure why not I'm hadrian and this is draco" he said "I'm Ron Wesley" I nodded and pulled out a book and started to read as Ron and draco started talking before arguing I then asked "what on earth are you two fighting about" and draco answered "he just bad mouthed Slytherin saying that all the snakes are low life's and death eater scum" I was furious to say the least as I said"my father is from Slytherin and I'll probably be there to Ronald that was rude" he looked fearful as he apologized I just said "just don't it again" and went back to reading before a girl burst in ask about a toad I just ignored her as Draco talked but then she grabbed my book looking at before handing it back say we should get dressed we be there soon and left so I went to the bathroom and changed but I  put on the Hogwarts tie and the cloak that went with it not changing out of my black under robes as the regular vest and under clothes where in my opinion really bad so I walked back and seeing what ron was waring I gave him the new stuff and said "keep it I'm going to be sending a letter to madam at the store to buy another set but in black" he nodded before putting it on right as we got there and where told to get in four to a boat and where lead to a door.

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