chapter 2(waking)

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(Harry's prov)

I woke in slight pain but everything was so clear I could see the dust in the air. I was so focused on that I didn't even notice the goblin next to me till she talked "welcome back mr snape" I jumped breathing in only to smell a bad odor and I'm guessing it was the look on my face because the goblin laughed and said "it's my blood young lord that smells like that it keeps predators like you're self from eating us" at first I was confused until it hit me my Species was unblocked like I asked, I looked around and was greeted by a mirror in front of me I had long thick black hair  and not at all messy like it was before my eyes where red with green outer rings and my skin was pale I had the same bone structure as before I can only guess I got it from my mother but with sharper cheek bones as I was looking at my self I suddenly smelt a mouth watering smell I looked around to see the same goblin from earlier griphook holding a goblet out to me to take I grabbed it and put it to my lips as a to taste a taste like the worlds best food hit my throat and put the fire I didn't know I had out I handed it back and started to speak"thank you griphook" I was a little startled by the deep and smooth sound the came but it didn't last long as I looked back to the mirror to see my normal green eyes staring back but black rings on the outer side griphook said"it's nothing mr snape but your friend you came in with is getting impatient so I took the time to pull your money for school stuff and a little extra for you" I smiled and thanked him as I stood taking the bag of coins and followed him out to the main bank to find hagrid I turned and spoke" thank you griphook may your gold always flow" he looked shocked for a moment before responding"and may your enemies always fall at your feet" with that I followed hagrid out of the bank to get my robes and other stuff we walked till we stopped at Madame Minkus and hagrid said" ok har'y i gotta go get somtin so I'll leave yo to ge fittid" i then walked in to the little shop a woman said "Hogwarts dear I got another boy in the back already just stand on the podem next to him and I'll be right there" so I walked in and stood where I was told next to a platinum blonde boy who just stared for a good minute before talking "Hogwarts to eh" I replied "yes" he then asked what house I wanted to be in what ever that is but before I could say anything the woman came back and said his robes where done so he left as I got measured I then said "I need my school robes, but I also want a full set of every day black robes and a set of black dress robes" once i finished that I walk out and saw hagrid so I ran to him probably a bit to fast but I don't think anyone noticed Hagrid jumped and said "oh har'y I didn't see ya there I was just about to get your birthday present" I replied back "thank you hagrid but I want to find a familiar if they have it as well as my Hogwarts pet if you don't mind" he looked at me for a minute before talking"OK har'y how bout this ya get ya familiar and for ya birthday present I'll get ya a owl for mail" I smiled and nodded before heading in to talk to the shop keeper I found him tending to the cat as I asked "where can I find the snakes" he looked at me weird for a moment before leading me to a shelf with one snake before speaking"this is the only one we have but it's poison's and doesn't like people" I looked at it listening to what it said

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