chapter 3 ( a new friend )

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(Hades/harry prov)

The snake said "come on stick your hand I need to poison something" I got closer and whispered in parsltoung "I want you to be my Familiar if you'd like" the snake replied" a speaker yesss pleasse i wanna poison your enemies please take me" I said" what type of snake are you and your name" it replied "I am a black saw-scaled viper and I do not have a name and i am male" I thought for a moment before responding" how about Obsidian" the snake hissed out"oh I like it yess please" I pick him up and walked to the register and paid for him, and a container that had a password To change the size then I saw hagrid holding a white owl so I grabbed a bottle of owl dye and went to him he said he would get my books while I got my wand so I walked away before bumping into a man with long platinum blonde hair like the boy from earlier I apologize to him he gave me an odd look as he spoke "why hello there young man and no need to apologize it was my fault as well your a first year like my draco yes I saw you speak with him earlier" his voice reminded me of my own deep and smooth but not as drawing so I spoke" yes I am may inquire your name" he then said "Lucius malfoy and you" i was tempted to lie but i figured my name was no longer important so why not "I'm hadrian .S snape" he looked shock before he spoke "I know your father professor Severus snape right" now it was my turn to be shocked and then I realized this was my chance to find out more about my father so I said "you know my father that's great I just today found out so i know he doesn't know yet can you tell me something about him before I meet him" he looked in thought for a moment then said "sure I'm guessing your getting your wand right, so how about I take you to my wand maker and while its made we can talk" I was tempted to say no but I knew if he tried anything I could over power him so why not, I nodded and followed, we walked through a creepy ally till we got to a shop called knockturn wands and went inside the shop keeper spoke as the door bell rang he told me to reach out so I did, Obsidian whispered that he wanted me to use some of his venom with my core because once we completed the familiar bond it would make it stronger so I took a vile from the shelf and took some and handed it to the wand maker he then said "very interesting ebony wood dark phoenix feathers And Thestral hair with saw-scaled viper venom 10¼ inchs give me a few minutes and I'll be back" as he walked in the back I turned to Lucius before speaking "so what can you tell me about my father" he said "well he's a professor of portions at Hogwarts he was in Slytherin house and by the look of you I can already tell your a vampire like him so I can't say more on that um let's see oh yeah his favorite color is black and hates most Gryffindor oh and he's a fan of dramatics" I wanted to laugh at how much we sounded alike but I kept my cool I said "I would like to not have him know about me, till I get sorted I wanna make him proud of my dramatic personality" he stared before bursting out laughing saying "yep definitely his kid, what is next you own a all black wardrobe" I just stayed quiet before he laughed again saying" my god you do don't you , you've never even met him and you already got a father son bond ,OK I'll keep you a secret" after that the wand maker came back with a box and handed it to me saying "it doesn't have a trace" before winking at me as I hand him the fee and walked out stopping at the knockturn book shop grabbing some books on the dark arts , occlumency and legilimency , vampires,familiar bonds ,anamgi ,pure-blood etiquette and parseltongue before going back to hagrid and he said he was going to take me back to my filthy muggle family so I said I can make it from the pub that they where going to pick me up there so he left after I went up to tom paying for a room for until September 1st when the train leaves.

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