12. Frustration

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On day 2 of the field trip you woke up to whispered bickering. Did Kageyama and Hinata ever give it a rest?    

"Guys, some people are trying to sleep," you mumble groggily.    

"(Y/n)!" Hinata crouches down beside you, whisper-yelling. "Look at Tsuki." He looked like a war had started.    
Sitting up, you look over to the snarky blond and smile. He was fast asleep, headphones in and cuddling the dinosaur plush you had given him a while back.    

"Don't freak out, you two. He isn't dying. I gave that to him during our first tournament. I didn't know he slept with it though." You stand up and stretch. "So what's on the agenda for today?"   

Turns out the agenda was BORING. Coach still wasn't letting you out on the court.    

"Coach, my knee is fine. See?" you jogged in place. "All good to go."   

"God damn it, kid. Stop arguing with me and go sit your ass down."  

"Coach Ukai! That is not how we talk to students." Takeda scolds.   

"He's a stubborn little fuc-"   

"That's enough!"   

Ukai grumbles and you walk off dejectedly. You'd never catch back up if you didn't practice. You knew it was important to be careful and not redamage old injuries, but at this point you'd never amount to anything.    

Around 10:00, Karasuno started a match with Nekoma. You had been moping the past hour, but you couldn't ignore this game. With hope brimming in your eyes, you look at Coach. He immediately shook his head.    

"Fine." Frustration welled up inside you. If he wouldn't let you practice, you'd do it yourself.     Stealing a ball from one of the baskets, you stormed your way outside. Fukurodani stood some ways away, having a team meeting and water break. You stride right past them, your eyes set on an empty courtyard that was still relatively close to the gym.    

"Hey! It's my friend!" You were pulled back by someone grabbing your shirt. "Buddy!"   

Bokuto. Of course. Who else? 

"Sorry about that shirt incident by the way. That was totally my bad," he grins at you. "At least we know I'm the real winner," he boasts, pointing at himself.    


He flinches, turning as Akaashi walks over.    

"Bokuto, leave (Y/n) alone. You've done enough."   

"Ah, he's fine. Thank you, though." You give a small smile to Akaashi. "I could use some cheering up actually."   

"What happened?" Bokuto puts his hands on both your shoulders. "Do I need to beat somebody up?"   

You chuckle. "Not alone you want to take on my coach." The two walked with you as you headed over to your original destination.    

"I'll take anyone on! Lemme at him!!"   

"You can't beat up a coach, Bokuto." Akaashi says.    

"But..." Bokuto huffs. "Fine, then the least we can do is cheer up my friend here."   

"What happened?" Akaashi asks, grabbing the volleyball from you and starting a lighthearted round of bumping the ball back and forth between the three of you.   

"Ah, well, I hurt my knee a while ago. Caused me a lot of trouble. But I want to get back into volleyball again. Coach won't let me play in any of the practice games though."   

"You played in the first one," Bokuto says.    

"Yeah, but as soon as the flying dives started he pulled me out. Said I could really fuck up my knee that way. And he hasn't let me play since. I just sit on the bench, warmed up, ready to go, and full of energy while everyone else out on the court looks like they're practically dying."   

You sigh, catching the ball instead of bumping it back to Bokuto. "I guess I'm just frustrated at myself for a lot of things. My injury, quitting volleyball, letting my talents go to waste and my skills whither away.. I can't play like I used to, and it really sucks."   

"There's always time to make improvements. But improving while gaining more injuries will take you a life time. Listen to your coach. He might seem like he's being rude now, but down the road you'll thank him for keeping you safe. The safer you are, the more you get to play."   

That was probably the most you'd heard Akaashi say at once. "Thank you."    

"Man all this smart talk is making my head hurt," Bokuto whines. "Let's go get some lunch."   

"In what world is this smart talk," Akaashi mumbles.    

"Lunch sounds pretty good, I'm hungry. I'll meet you there, okay?"   

Bokuto nodded and headed off. You looked at Akaashi. "I'm gonna put this up and then I'll head over. You don't have to wait on me."   

"I'll walk with you. We have a lunch date, after all." He said he so bluntly you couldn't tell if he was joking.   

"You realize I was joking right," you smile at him as he joins you by your side.    

"Joke or not, I still owe you. And getting lunch for you makes the most sense considering where we are."   

"The lunch is free," you say as you pull open the gym doors.    

"I'm not talking about the provided lunch." His eyes follow the ball and you chunk it into the basket.    

"Well, it's not like we can really leave campus either. Not without permission. And getting that is highly unlikely."   

"I made it."   

"Huh?" You turn your head to look at him as he leads you to the cafeteria.   

"I made your lunch. I hope it's to your liking." He guides you to the kitchens and grabs two boxes. "I didn't have the materials to make it look fancy, sorry."   

You smile. "You didn't have to do that, Akaashi."   

"I owe you. Bokuto is incapable of fixing his own mistakes. Let's find somewhere nice to sit."   

You watch him head towards the front of the campus where, you remembered, there were big trees that provided good shade. This guy, who you barely knew, was one of the most polite people you've ever met.

Sorry that break was longer than expected. A lot has happened to me lately. On my birthday in january two of my dogs died. And a few weeks ago my other dog got hit by a car. Then my grandparents got covid and yeah it's a big mess. On top of that I'm graduating really soon so there's that too. But I'm hanging in there! Now since I am struggling with school, I'm not sure who frequent updates will be so I apology in advance for that.

Also I have a question for those wonderful mfs who play stardew valley. Would any of you like to read a stardew valley fic? Dom reader ofc who do you think I am. Not entirely sure what characters it would include but Sebastian, Shane, and Sam would 100% be in it. As love interests I mean. It's been my new obsession lately and I was wondering if there was even an audience for it anymore lmfao. Lmk! (Literally if two people say yes I will write it bc I really want it)

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