10. Lev Haiba is Weird

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Kageyama and Hinata easily got the hang of things. It took them no time to adjust and start playing.

While you were on the sidelines, you took the time to talk for Yachi for a bit. You weren't going to be subbed in again. Coach had told you to rest your knee.

"Hey, Yachi," you say, sitting down next to where she was taking notes.

"Hey, (Y/n)," she gives you a warm smile.

"You enjoying being a manager?"

She nods rapidly. "Yeah! It's been so fun watching everyone play. And look!" She shows you her notebook. Her notes were very clear and concise and color coded prettily. "I've been making sure to write down something on everybody."

You smirk. "Oh? And what did you write about me?"

Your flirting goes right over her head. Instead, she turns a few pages and shows you her notes again. "You're strong, but you lack control of the ball. And you seem stiff and uncomfortable out of the court. I feel like you don't trust the team just yet. OH- WAIT I'M SORRY I DIDN'T-"

"It's okay. You're partially right. I trust them as people, but it's hard to blindly trust on the court. I've seen them play and I know they're capable. It's just going to take some getting used to. And don't worry, babe. I'll work on that control for you." You pat her head and get up, walking away before she combusted.

You make your way over to Ukai. "Coachhhhh."



"I said no. Go sit your butt down and stay there."

"Finee." You sit down on the floor with a huff.
"Man," you grumble to yourself. "I wanna be out there." You watch as Hinata spikes a winning point.

"Nine sets and we finally get our first win," Daichi sighs. "First time without a penalty lap too."

"I'm hungry!!" Noya yells.

You stand up and join them. They all looked sweaty and exhausted. "I'm sure we'll eat soon, Noya."

"Looks like Nekoma versus Ubugawa is still going on the far court. Given the time, that'll probably be the last set of the day," Tanaka says while wiping his face with a towel.

You wander over to the far side of the court, smiling a bit as you see Kenma and Kuroo.

Lev's height sure was useful. He looked like a whip when he spiked a set from Kenma.

"Woahh," you look over and realize Hinata was standing right next to you.

"Ah," Suga says. "Nekoma's number 11? He slouches a lot, so it's hard to tell at first glance but..."

You look him over. With his long arms and legs, he looked like a model. "Yeah, he's really fucking tall. Taller than me."

"Man.." Suga whistles. "Who is he?"

"Haiba." you answer.

Suga whips his head around. "Wait, how did you know that?!"

You grin and say nothing.

After the practice games were all over, you were outside with Shoyo, Kenma, and Inuoka.

"Your quick set looked as awesome as always, Shoyo!" Inuoka says.

"Yeah.." Hinata soundes oddly down. "It hasn't changed since then. Oh hey! Who's that new middle blocker of yours?"

"Ah. Lev Haiba. He's a rookie. He's half russian half japanese." Kenma answers.

"He's half russian?! That's so cool! What's his first name again? Lee.. eve?.. ree..."

"Lev," you correct.

"It means something in russian. Tiger, i think." Kenma says.

"No, not tiger. It means lion!" Inuoka makes claws with his hands.

"He wasn't with you last time we played, right?"

"i think we would've remembered him," you laugh.

"He just started volleyball in highschool. He was still a complete newbie during golden week." Kenma says.

"He just started this year?!" Hinata asks. Well, more like yells.

"Yeah. Right now he's playing almost entirely on sheer athletic instinct. And his height.."

"Stupid tall freak," you grumble.

Hinata and Kenma both stop dead in their tracks to stare at you.

"What! He's freaking tall."

"Are you salty because he's taller than you?" Kenma asks in a monotone voice.

"You take that back," you point at him.

"So you are."

"No!" You grab Kenma and pick him up like a sack of potatoes and take off running. He flails his arms and legs, screeching at you to put him down.

Yaku wipes a tear off his face. "Look at him. Our Kenma, talking to another person without a hint of sullen shyness!"

After putting down a grumpy cat kenma, you said your goodbyes to grumpy cat and Inuoka and head towards the bathroom.

As you were washing your hands, you heard the door open.

"Oh! You're (name that sounds close to yours)."

You look in the mirror and realize it's Haiba.

"No, it's (Y/n)," you say, turning around to face him.

"Oh.. sorry. Anyway! I saw you play earlier."


"Yeah, you kinda suck. But me too!"

Your eyes twitches. Was this guy always like this or was he trying to get under your skin.

"Wow, thanks." You turn back around, washing the soap off of your hands.

"Oh, I didn't mean to be rude," he stares at you in the mirror.

"No offense taken."


How fucking awkward...

Was he just going to stand there and watch you the whole time??

You dry your hands off. "So uh.. is there something you wanted?" You look past Lev and see Hinata walk in.

"Kuroo always says you have nice abs."

"Sounds like him."

"Can I see them?"



Sorry for not posting last weekend, I had a few things come up. To make up for it, here's a double update to get back on track! :D

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