11. Feral Hinata and a Wild Owl

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You whip your head back and see Hinata standing behind you looking appalled.

"Y-y-you want to w-what!?" He points an accusatory finger at Haiba.

Lev tilts his head. "Was I too quiet?"

You blink. This dude had no shame.

"NO!" Hinata jumps in front of you, holding onto your shirt. "YOU CAN'T"

"Shoyo, it's not that-"

"Why not?" Lev looks down at Shoyo.

"Because um- he's my manager and um- EVERYBODY WOULD BE REALLY MAD."

"Nobody would be mad, it's literally just abs I don't-"

"Why?! I just want to see them," Lev reaches over to pick up Hinata and move him.

Shoyo acts on instinct and snaps his teeth at Lev's hand. "BACK. YOU CAN'T TOUCH HIM."

"WHAT THE- DID YOU JUST TRY TO BITE ME??" Lev goes in for the grab again and you hear the clack of Hinata's teeth.

"SHOYO WHAT THE HELL YOU'RE ACTUALLY TRYING TO BITE HIM," you tried to push feral Hinata away.

"No! Let me protect you!" Hinata wraps his arms around your waist, glaring at Lev.

"Shoyo what the fuck has gotten into you!"

"Shono or whatever you're name is, I'll defeat you!" Lev charged forward and you got lost in a flurry of hands and snapping teeth.

"What the actual fuck?!" You screamed as Hinata starting growling and everyone ended up on the floor.

You scrambled to your feet and looked at the nasty bathroom floor. Lev and Hinata were on their backs, head to head like the ending of a gruesome anime battle.

"You've bested me this time, Shono.."

"Take that, Lef.."

"Okay. I'm leaving. What the fuck."

You roamed the halls, still trying to wrap your head around what the hell just happened. Why did Lev want to see your abs so bad? Why did Hinata turn into a dog with rabies?

Because you were lost in thought, you bumped into someone. This dude was sturdy, he didn't move an inch.

"Woah, there!"

"Sorry about that," you say.

"Hey! You look familiar," sturdy dude says. You look him over. He was a bit shorter than you, had crazy eyes, and equally crazy black and white hair.

"I don't think we've met." You respond.

"No, no. I definitely know you. But from where?" He starts circling around you, inspecting you from every angle.

"I can assure you I've never met you before."

"Realllyyyy?" He puts a hand on his chin and squints at you.

You hear running footsteps and look over his shoulder. "Where'd he go?? Bokuto-san can't have gone far!"

"Spread out! We have to find him."

"Last time he escaped we found him eating dry wall. His stomach can't survive another round of that!"

"Crap," dude with crazy eyes grabs your hand and yanks you into a nearby room. "They never let me have any fun!" He huffs.

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