9. Let's go to Tokyo! For real!!

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The ride to the training camp wasn't so bad. You were honestly surprised you had passed the exams. You did enough to get by, but the exams were harder this year.

You got off of the bus with Asahi and Ennoshita. A little ways ahead of you stood Tanaka and Noya.

"OOHHH!! There! Is that it?! Is that the Tokyo sky tree??" Tanaka asks while Noya stares at it in awe.

"Uh, no. That's just a regular cell phone tower," Kai says.

"AHA HA HA HA!!!" Kuroo laughs.

"PFT," you point your finger at Kuroo. "Your laugh is fucking ridiculous!"

"wha- shut up!" Kuroo tries to put you in a head lock.

"You sound like a hyena," you get out while laughing and avoiding Kuroo's grasping arms.

Eventually, though, he caught you.

"Hang on a sec," Kuroo says to Daichi whilst having you in a headlock. "Is it my imagination or are you short a few people?"

"Well, uhh.." Daichi rubs the back of his neck. "Kageyama and Hinata both failed one test, so they're taking remedial classes right now."

You remembered when Hinata brought you his test with sad tears in his eyes. The poor guy was only off by one on his answer sheet, but the teacher still failed him.

You wiggled out of Kuroo's grip and ruffled up his already messy hair as a somewhat revenge.


You grin and run off, looking back to make sure he was chasing you. You ran and hid behind Kenma, who looked at the two of you like you were stupid.

"Stop using me as a hiding spot," Kenma mumbles.

"Stop me then," you whisper into his ear.

"NOOOOOOO," you heard Yamamoto yell. "They have two girl managers now!!" He falls to his knees. "How unfair! Why do they get three hot managers! WHYYYYY!"

"Do you see now, Tora?" Tanaka asks. "This is the true power of Karasuno," he spread he arms out, displaying a frightened Yachi, a bored Kiyoko, and a confused (Y/n) hiding behind Kenma.

"Augh! Too bright! I c-c-can't bear.. to.. look."

You shrug, figuring he was just having a moment, and took your time properly greeting Kenma. You give him a quick hug.

"How was the tournament." you ask.

"It was okay I guess. I didn't really care either way."

"How come?"

"Even if we lost, I'd still get to see you."

You smile. "You are so unintentionally sweet sometimes."

Kuroo comes up behind you and wraps his arms around your waist. "Go change and get ready so we can head to the gym. Everyone else besides Karasuno is here already."

"Alright," you head off to go get changed.

With your practice clothes on, you walk over to Kenma, Daichi, and Kuroo.

"Where's Shoyo," Kenma asks you.

"He had to stay behind and do some remedial class work. He should be joining us later."


Kuroo puts his hands on his hips. "Once everybody's warmed up, we just go around the room, everybody playing everybody, one set at a time."

"Got it," Daichi says, then he turns to you. "Go warm up. And thorougly, okay? Can't have you getting hurt."

"Alright, dad."

Kuroo looks at you in surprise. "Wait, aren't you just the manager?"

"Nope. Part of the team now." you smirk and walk off to go stretch before warm up drills.

While you waiting for your turn at spike drills, Suga puts a hand on your shoulder as well as Asahi's. "Hey.. when we last played Nekoma, did they have that guy on their team?"

You look around.

"Who, the one who's staring at us?" Asahi asks, and you finally notice somebody crouching a little ways away.

"Yeah." Suga answers.

"No, I dont think so.." You add. "man he's really staring."

He stands up and you were shocked to realize he was actually taller than you. Suga and Asahi jump a little and pretend to have something to do so they can run off. You stay put, wanting to know what he wanted.

He pushes his silver hair out of his face and walks over to you. "Who are you?"

You blink. "Well, right to it then, huh?"

"Oh! Sorry, it's just.. you look very familiar."

"My name is (Y/n). I used to play for Shiratorizawa Middle. Who are you?" You hated the fact that you had to slightly look up at him.

"Haiba Lev," he grins. "How tall are you?"

"Tall. You?"

"I just hit 6'4 recently!" he grins.

"Damn, you're tall."

"Only a tiny bit taller than you," he says. "Are you sure we don't know each other? You look reallyyyyyy familiar."

"No, I would've remembered you."

Yaku comes from no where and kicks Lev. "Stop bothering Kenma's boyfriend," he scolds.

"Not his boyfriend," you say, but it fell on deaf ears.

"OH!" Lev turns to you dramatically. "I remember now! You're the guy Kuroo told me about it, with the nice abs!!"

You hold back a laugh. "Yeah?"

"Yeah! He talks about you alllll the time!! Can I see-"

"SHUT UP LEV!" Kuroo yells from across the gym.

"Hey!" Lev pulls out his phone. "I'm the only one on the team who doesn't have your number."

You sigh. "Alright." You put in the informationa and hand him back his phone. You got back to warm up drills and before you knew it, Karasuno was deep into set two with Fukurodani. Just as they scored the final point, the gym door opened.

They had finally arrived.


Shout out to one of my favorite readers fishwithanumbrella   They always comment on my stuff and they've really stuck out to me. Thanks for reading and supporting my stories! You're very memorable

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