anywhere else is hollow- lo'ak

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This is short but I wanted to write this prompt while I procrastinate the other 50 incomplete chapters.


The night was calm and peaceful. Lo'ak's heavy arm around your shoulder, his other underneath your head. You could hear his soft breathing from your position. Except it wasn't really soft because he snores.

Nevertheless, you were used to it but tonight it annoyed you further because the utumauti drink you had one too many glasses of was really waiting to be expelled.

"Lo'ak?" you whisper trying to get him to move off from you but then you realize he sleeps like a hog and wouldn't get up even if there was a bomb blast.

"Lo'ak?" you repeat a little louder shifting from his grip and he only tightens his hold mumbling nonsense as he burrows closer to you. It would've been cute any other day, but right now his body only pressed further against your abdomen which your bladder certainly didn't enjoy.

"Get up you oaf." You sigh prodding his chest and he groans shaking his head- "Five more minutes ma." he mumbles lowly before his snores sound back up again.

"Wha- no, Lo'ak get off." You press pushing yourself away from his chest harshly and he finally responds, his grip loosening as he blinks at you lazily,

"Where you going?" He murmurs as you start to climb out of bed and you look back annoyed,

"I have to pee skxawng."

He grins sleepily- arms still open in front of him and he yawns closing his eyes, "I'll wait for you." he mumbles and you raise an eyebrow,

"I'd love to see you try." You knew he wouldn't be able to stay awake for that long and the idea made you hold back a laugh.

Your doubts are confirmed when you hear his snores start back up again as you close the tent flap- a faint smile making its way to your face as you roll your eyes.

This was the time you wished you had those human toilets Norm always talked about. Peeing in the middle of a forest wasn't exactly a fun experience and you were always in constant fear an animal would come parading by.

As you return to Lo'ak's tent, your steps falter at the sound of shuffling coming from the stock tent and you furrow your eyebrows confused.

Who would be awake at this time?

You grab a rock nearby for self defense- since your bow was tucked safely under your cot- before trudging over to the tent slowly. On reaching the entrance- you see a shadow illuminating the walls of the tent and your heart picks up speed. Slowly drawing back the curtain you peep into the pavilion, eyes widening at the sight.

You blink confused before drawing the curtain back.

Why was she here.

You rack your brain thinking of an explanation, eyes widening comically before you gasp, practically galloping back to your tent.

Lo'ak was dead asleep, a hand thrown over his face. You climb onto his side of the bed shaking him frantically.

"Lo'ak, Lo'ak, Lo'ak-" You repeat patting his cheek and he swats it away grumbling into the pillow,

"Get up I have tea, cmooon." You whine rolling him over onto his back but he doesn't budge making you frown.

"Please Lo'ak, it's important please please plea-" you complain and he groans loudly, pulling you down onto his chest with his hand around your head and you yelp as he rolls over so his body lays on top of yours-

"Tomorrow." He mutters sleepily and you roll your eyes annoyed-

"Its about Payakan." You lie and he stills, looking up at you with his eyes narrowed and you grin,

"Kidding-" You beam pushing him up against the headboard and take your seat across from him-

"You're horrible." he frowns rubbing his tired eyes,

"Okay so basically when I was coming back right? I heard noises from the stock tent-"

"Oh, don't tell me you saw Rotxo obsessing over pictures of Kiri again."

"No- no let me finish. So I looked inside the tent and I saw Ronal, and guess what she was doing?"

"Y/N in the most respectful way possible all my guesses are ones I hope aren't real." You smack him disgusted before shaking your head.

"No idiot, I saw her eating rawp." Rawp was a type of salty pickle found in the deep ocean.

Lo'ak blinks at you once and then twice,

"Y/N-" he begins, face monotone as he places a hand on your cheek making you blink confused , "-light of my life, you did not wake me up because you saw someone eating."

Your smile fades away and you groan moving his hands away from your face as you grasp them in yours, "Don't you get it? Who eats at midnight?"

"I ate teylu at two in the morning last night, give the woman a break."

"That's not what I mean Lo'ak. She was eating rawp. Who eats that? Someone who is pregnant that's who!"

"Or she was just hungry?" he replies looking at you like you're an idiot and you shake your head.

"Trust me, when Neytiri was pregnant with Tuk, that was all she ate too!"

He narrows his eyes, "And you know that why?"

"That is besides the point. The point is-"

"-you think Ronal is with a child?" He questions raising an eyebrow and you nod profusely,

"I know it. Come to think of it her and Tonowari have been acting strange the past few days."

Lo'ak grimaces leaning against the headboard, "Gross, I don't need the mental image of that right now. Think I lost my sleep-attite." he shudders and you gape at him-

"Are you not excited?! I haven't been in the presence of a baby since Tuk!"

"With our luck, we're gonna have to deal with another baby Aonung." he sighs and you laugh moving to sit beside him,

"Don't be mean, I can't wait! I hope she is a girl, Tsireya is a good name don't you think?" you exclaim giddily and he doesn't reply. You're about to look over at him but his head juts onto your shoulder, breathing slow and you narrow your eyes annoyed, at the lack of reciprocated excitement.

You gently push his head off of your shoulder, lowering his head onto the pillow- before brushing away the hair from his face as you lie down next to him- your front against his chest as you bring his arms up around you- resuming your earlier position.

"Goodnight Lo'ak." you whisper excited for the days to come. For the new addition to your clan.

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