exile- jake

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Syawn means blessing. Syulang means flower.

Inspired by Māori tattoos.


"Ta mako is more than just war paint. It is an expression- an identification of your commitment to your tribe, to your people, to your family."

You sit across from your mate- the Olo'eyktan of your tribe- Jake Sully. He was to go to war today- to fight against the Ma'reyta clan. They had initiated trouble with your people- threatening to take over territory by force. They were powerful and had many people, but your clan -though outnumbered- was stronger. You had dreaded this day for months and now it had finally come.

Not only were you carrying a baby- but you would be due any day making the current situation more stressful for you. It wouldn't matter even if you weren't with a child- since your post was as a healer. You were not experienced with fighting or weapons.

You sat opposite to Jake- the pot of white war paint beside you. You had to water it down occasionally because it dried within seconds on contact with skin.

"Every line I etch has a meaning, a symbolism, and to be Olo'eyktan you need to be aware of what those symbols are." You murmur -the soft crinkle of the fireplace beside warming you. Jake sat across from you- attentive- his eyes refused to look away from yours as he nodded to every word you said.

"I will start with your arms." You begin looking at him- his eyes were blazing- lighter because of the flame of the fire - you look away- dipping your hands into the mixture as he holds his arms out to you.

You start from his shoulders dragging the paint across the hard muscle of his biceps down to his wrists- swirling to create an intricate pattern. Jake watches you intently the whole time and you feel slightly intimidated,

"The arms- are the most important." you begin swirling paint on his other arm, "On your shoulder, it is like a bird-looking after your spirit or guiding you to where you are supposed to go. The arms signify protection- for your people. You protect the ones you love wrapping around them like a cage."

You turn to your side, to dip your fingers into more paint when you feel his arms around you resting on your hips-

"Like this?"

Blush reddens your cheeks as you smile slightly, using your hair to hide it. You clear your throat moving to paint his face.

"Between your brows-" you murmur using two finger to make a swirl- "-is what indicates your rank. The more it curves the higher your position is." you finish the curvilinear pattern ending at his temples, "Since you are toruk makto it will extend to the side of your brows."

You paint on little fish scales around his cheekbones- "This is for abundance and health so you may come back safe." Your voice falters towards the end a bit- your mind contradicting what you said. Jake notices this and his eyes soften as he pulls you further towards him.

You whiten his chest - "This is called pakati- it represents your authority as a warrior and displays your courage."

The paint in the pot is minimum- only enough to finish his face, you feel a sense of unease- wanting to drag the process out for longer so he wouldn't leave. Scooping the last bits of it on your index and middle finger dragging it down from his philtrum to his chin, your eyes lingering at his parted lips.

"The lips are the most sentient. They symbolis-" you trail off when you notice the look in his eyes. Your breath hitches when you realize how close you were to his face. Jake's eyes trail down to your lips, and you close your eyes feeling him lean in- forgetting about the paint that dried on your hands.

The kiss is gentle- loving. He savors your taste almost as if he was afraid he wouldn't be able to again. His hands move to the back of your head providing it support as he lowers you down on the ground gently.

"What does it mean?" he questions gently against your lips and you feel your eyes get wet.

"Tiki stands for love and peace. So you do not forget your family or your tranquility. So you come back home." you finish sadly. He swallows and you feel hot tears escape from the corner of your eyes.

"Why do you cry my love?" he asks pained leaning down to kiss away your tears.

"What if you do not come back?" What if you are hurt? I cannot stay here alone." you wail, sobs racking through your body as Jake shushes you, kissing from your cheek down to your jaw. His right hand is placed against your hair as he strokes it gently.

"Mm will you wait for me my syawn?" he mumbles against your neck and you whine slightly, "Will you wait till I return? Will you heal my bruises like you have always done?"

He smiles as you nod whimpering at his gentle touches, "So soft, so beautiful for me, my y/n how could I not come back to you?"

You close your eyes, relishing the feeling of his body against yours. His left hand trails down your front as he places it on your swollen stomach.

"How could I not return when you carry our child hm? Nga yawne lu oer my syulang." He whispers running his forehead along yours making you cling to him blissfully.

"Tsyeyk Suli, the council calls for you!" a voice echoes outside the tent and you feel the weight on your body lighten as Jake gets up making you frown. He groans seeing the look on your face cupping your face in his large hands, "I do not want to leave you now."

You laugh slightly holding his palm to your cheek leaning into his touch, "Go. I will wait for you ma' jake."

He leans in to kiss your forehead,

"I will not let you in my bed if you do not come home quickly." you mutter sternly as he pulls away and chuckles-

"Of course my Y/n."

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