Good mothers and Bad mothers

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I had to make a decision.

But, there was no way I could make it without tearing my heart out.

There was no way I could protect my family and my company.

My world had been struck by another whirlwind and the future lay in what I did today.

I was still at the hospital.

Emir had come over the moment he bad heard. Yet, we had not talked. We kept silent as I contemplated what to do.

This was a decision I had to walk through alone.


1 week later

"There is no way that Mr. James Caldron is capable of taking care of the child, Your Honour. Throughout the pregnancy, he showed little interest in her care or that of the mother. He wasn't even aware that she was using cocaine or drinking heavily before her delivery. The parents are estranged from each other and as he obviously said that he hadn't seen her in months nor had done anything to to show interesting in parenting. Therefore, I urge you to give custody to my client Ms. Bianchi here.", my lawyer Reina said in the courtroom. Her arguments were sharp and precise, like the cold touch of a blade.

The judge sighed.

"I understand what you are saying but Mr. Caldron is still the father. We try our best here to reconcile families so they can live together, Ms. Reina.", she said.

"I think these might convince you."

She handed over a file to the judge.

"These show Mr. Caldron's working hours in the last six years that he has worked here for Ms. Bianchi at the company. He has had 80 hour work weeks and is hardly ever at home. There are pictures too of.....parties that got slightly out of hand in Ibiza, Monte Carlo, Mallorca. It's all in the file.", she argued.

I knew what was in those pictures. Hookers, drugs and alcohol. I had been there on that yacht. Caldron shot daggers at me from his eyes.

We were sitting in a courtroom deciding the fate of Jules' daughter. Emir sat beside me, clutching my hands. Little Isidora Esther Bianchi, the daughter of my sister was only one week old. She was so small and frail, wrapped in soft blankets, innocent and protected from the world out there.

Jane Marconi had given me a decision to make. I had made that decision.

The next morning, tear-strained and bleary eyed, I had made a call to my lawyer and informed her of what I intended to do.

I wanted to send Jules to a rehab facility and take temporary custody of her daughter. Looking at little Isidora's face, I could only cry. She was the children of angels. Her tiny little fist had grabbed my finger and held onto it.

I regretted every fight I had had with Jules, every meaningless feud. She and I could have been mothers to little Isidora. We could have bathed her and fed her together. We were both single mothers, we could have, no should have enjoyed motherhood together.

And here I was, brought forward by circumstances, having to fight for custody with the father of the child.
It was horrifying what circumstances could make us do.

"My client tried his best, your Honour but the mother was insistent on not having him in the child's life. Besides, he is her father. He deserves a chance to raise his daughter. ", Caldron's lawyer said.

"Your Honour, Mr. Caldron is engaged in work and a bachelor with a hectic, partying lifestyle. He cannot provide  a suitable environment for raising a child. ", Reina continued unfazed.

"Well your client, Miss Bianchi is all those things.", the lawyer shot back.

"No, she is not. She is a single mother who is raising her son and trying to rehabilitate him after an accident. She is devoted to his care and is herself a confidant and friend of Miss Juliana Bianchi. Even though they were fighting, she cared about her. She set up a financial account to take care of the child. The details are in the file. She has experience for the job and a connection to the child. "

"Money cannot raise children.", the lawyer countered.

"Neither can an absentee father.", she shot back.

" He is the biological father. He is related to her."

"If biology always determined parentage, then I am afraid many of us would end up orphans."

The judge said after a moment of reflection.

"What about Juliana's relatives?", she asked.

"There are no living relatives, Your Honour.", Reina said.

The judge thought long and hard.

" In this case, I am not sure either of then are ideal parents for the child. But, seeing as we have no other option, we must come to a decision. James Caldron, though the biological father of Isidora Esther Bianchi was clearly neglectful and has no experience raising children. Sana Bianchi, has that experience and as a close friend of Juliana can raise the child until she is back from rehab. The court thereby grants the custody of the child to Sana Bianchi."

The gavel banged.

Emir and I released  a collective breath together.

"Thank you so much Reina.", I said as we stepped out of the courtroom. " I really can't thank you enough for what you did."

"It was my pleasure. I hope Isidora gets a good life with you.", she said warmly.

As Caldron stepped out of the courtroom he said to me, " If you think for one moment, I have given up on my daughter, you are wrong."

He stepped away menacingly.

Emir put his hands around my shoulders.

"Don't worry, we will win this. Together. Come on, let's go. There is a lot more to be done."

He kissed my forehead with the gentleness of a leaf shaking in the wind. I placed my head in the crook of his shoulder and sniffled.

This week was turning out to be more difficult than I had thought.

I had charged Juliana with fetal abuse to get custody of Isidora. I did not trust her with little Dora at all. She would go to rehab and in the meantime, I would have temporary custody of her child.

Jane Marconi would be very happy indeed as she would be able to distance the company from Jules. I fully intended to hold Dora on her head.

She would never return to the company.

I had become a monster to make sure of it.


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