The Birth

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7 years ago

The Birth

She didn't know when Georgiana arrived. All she heard was her scream and felt Jules' hands wrapping around her.

Her eyes we're closing. It was too much work to keep them open. Surely, surely she had the right to rest a bit.

Hands patted her cheeks.

"Open you eyes, Sana. Open your eyes.", Georgiana begged.

"Baby.", she whispered.

" baby...."

"Don't close your eyes, Sana. If you lose consciousness, it's over. You have to strong for the baby.", she kept saying.

But, she couldn't be strong. It much.

I couldn't even move.

" Get the car!", Georgiana shouted.

They must be taking her to the hospital. Her hands were an iron grip on her belly.

Somebody lifted her up. The storm was still raging outside. The rain was furious. The skies were weeping.

She could see through her blurry vision, the interior of the car. Her head lay on Georgiana's lap.

"Save the baby", she whispered.

" It's okay. It's all okay. The baby will be fine. You will be fine.", she whispered.

Hot drops landed on my face. Was Georgiana crying?

The world was dizzy.

"Hurry! Jules", Georgiana shouted. " She can't hold on much longer."

"I can't go faster than this. There is no visibility in the fucking storm!", she shouted back to be heard over the wind.

I moaned.

" Shhh! ", she soothed me. " You have been so strong. You have been so brave. A moment longer."

But, she was fast losing grip on reality. Was this how she was supposed to die?

Her tiny office came into her mind. That was her last thought.

Moments later the world went black again.

"Sana, Sana! Open your eyes! God fucking dammit!", Georgiana exclaimed in despair. She checked the pulse on her wrist. It was weak. Her heart was slowing down from bloss loss.

Clenching Jules' shoulder in the driver's seat.

"Jules, we're never going to make it to the hospital.", she said. The storm was intensifying outside. "She's gonna die. We're never gonna make it in this weather. She has already lost consciousness twice. "

"Let me think.", Jules said. "What is the next best place you can think of? She must have said something? Georgiana? Think. "

Her mind was already racing. The hospital was a no go. Where else could she deliver? Where else could there be women trained enough to deliver babies?

"I got it! She.....she used to visit an order of nuns. Sisters of St. John, I think. They are trained nurses. She once spoke of then.....they were kind to her when she came in as an immigrant. She used to volunteer at that church. They might....they might know what to do."

"The Sisters of St. John....I think I know where it is.", Jules said with increasing urgency in her tone.

She checked the street sign on the corner.

" That's five minutes down the road.", she said relieved. It was a miracle! A sheer miracle!

"We can't drive.", she said. " There's no way, I can control the car. We have to take her walking."

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