-->>> Chapter 2: You can be a hero

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"Ne, Midoriya-chan, what school are you going to?" asked one of the students towards to Aurelia as they surround the gold haired female." Hm, I don't know. But whatever Izuku go, I will follow as well." Aurelia said with a soft smile on her face." Mm, why are you're last name is Midoriya? you're not related towards that quirkless freak?" asked the female student with a bored expression on her face before freezing when Aurelia gave her a disappointment look on her face.

"I suggest you to not to call my little brother that. And No, I am not related to him for I am adopted. Although, I do not appriciate that you called my little brother a quirkless freak. Just because his quirkless doesn't mean he's special as well?" Aurelia said with a frown on her face as all of her classmates were quiet as they were looking down at their feet with guilt in their eyes as Aurelia scold them for being like that." How can you be a hero if you start treating other people like that? if you wanted to become popular, you should give some respect." Aurelia said as she act like a mother, who's disappointed at her childrens behavior before their homeroom teacher enters the classroom." Alright, class be seated. It's time to start the homeroom class."


"Class dissmined."

Aurelia startp putting all her notebooks to her bag before zipping it shut and stood up, swinging her bag over her shoulder and she was now heading out of her classroom, right after waving good bye to her classmates.

As she was on her way towards to Izuku's classroom, she opens the door to pick him up but stop as her eyes went wide in shock as she watch Izuku's childhood friend, destroyed his own hero notebook and throw it out of the window. She watch on before her face went into horror after what she just heard from Katsuki." If you wanted to have a quirk so badly, just go to the roof and take a swan dive. I bet at the afterlife you get one." 

This made Aurelia growl as her eyes start glowing gold. She walk towards to him, making all Izuku's classmates notice her then gasp in shock as she slap Izuku's childhood friend on the check. Izuku eyes went wide in shock before horror replace on it." Aurelia-chan!" he gasp as Bakugo look at her with pissed look on his face." What the hell was that for?! do you want to die extra?!" he yelled at her as Aurelia glared at him, not effected by his glared at all.

"How dare you. . . . HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT TO HIM?!" She yelled as her eyes start glowing even more as marking on her neck glows brightly." Aurelia-chan, pleace calm down." Izuku said, trying to calm her down. Aurelia continued to glared at Bakugo as her eyes glow even more, Brighter than before. She felt a heat raging on the tips of her finger before stopping when Izuku place his hand on her shoulder, which calms her down. The glow from both of her eyes and the mark disappeared as it return back to normal.

Izuku sigh in relief before he start tugging Aurelia away, right after grabbing his bag and left the room.


As the two siblings walk towards the fountain, where Izuku need to retrieve his notebook in the fountain." Sorry if I almost lost control of my powers." Aurelia apologize as she watch him grab his notebook." It wasn't your fault Ni-chan. It Kacchan's fault for making you mad." He said as he stared at his notebook with a frown on his face. "Stupid Kacchan." He murmured as Aurelia watch him go with a worry look on her face.

"Why does your childhood friend hates you so much Izuku?" Aurelia asked him as she is now walking beside him. Izuku paused for a second before answering." I don't know why Ni-chan." Aurelia nodded before looking ahead. As both of them walk their way home, Izuku stop for a second when he heard something as they stood in front of tunnel." Did you hear something?" he asked as Aurelia looks at him with confuse look on her face." What do you mean-" Aurelia stop when the all-spark tells her that there's danger above them. She slowly look up and froze to see something disgusting above her. Izuku notice that his sister was looking up, making him slowly looks up and froze as fear appeared on his face." Wha?" Then a slime zoom straight towards Izuku, making Aurelia scream in horror as she called out his name." IZUKU!!" Izuku tries to free himself but couldn't as he feels like he's suffocating.' I can't move. . . .I can't breathe.' Thought Izuku as he turn his attention to his sister, who appears to be glowing right now as she was ready to pulled him away from the grasp of the villain.

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