--->>>Prologue: The last moment

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They finally did it

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They finally did it. The war between good and evil is finally over. They WON. They vanquishes Unicron and Quintessa into smittereens as the battle is over. The soldiers were cheering in joy while the Autobots have done it. Cade hug vivian as they both spinned around while laughing. Will check on Izabella for any injuries or such, making the poor girl told him that she's fine before she join the hug session of Cade and Vivian. Aurelia smile softly to see everyone were cheering in happiness, telling each other that they did a great job.

She look at the autobots, who were busy watching the humans with a smile on their face plate. It was finally over, they could go home. But, Aurelia felt something warm on her side. Confuse, she reach out and touch her side before bringing it out to see it herself. To her shock, it was blood. She was bleeding. The blast from Quintessa was too powerful as it cause huge wound on her back." Aurelia! What are you doing there?! Come on! Join us!" called out Cade as he rush towards to her. He stop as he notice something is wrong." Aurelia? Is everything okay?" He asked with a worried look on his face.

Everyone look at Aurelia with confusion before they gasp in horror to see when Aurelia show them the blood on her hand." Heh, looks like im impale." She said before she sway for ansecond and fall from her side." AURELIA!!" Shout Cade in horror as Izabella start crying while Vivian hugs her, trying to comfort the poor girl. Will rushed towards to Aurelia's side and quickly lift her up and put her head on his lap.

Cade rush forward, almost trip his step before sliding beside Aurelia. Tiring his shirt as he put preassure on Aurelia's wounds making her hiss in pain. " Damn it Aurelia! Were supposed to celebrate! Not dying!" Cade curse out as he continued pressing Aurelia's wound.

The autobot's optics went wide in horror to see the state of their beloved femme who had capture their spark. They quickly rushed to help but Aurelia's time is running out." SLAG IT! WHY THE ALL SPARK ISN'T HEALING HER!?" Shout Sunstreaker in anger as Sideswipe was talking to Aurelia." Hold on Aurelia. Primus, please hold on."

Optimus prime watch in horror as He saw his femme, dying on front of him." Why the frag is she not healimg yet prime!?" Yelled Sideswipe to his leader." I do not know." Said Optimus as he and the bots try to help.

Aurelia watch everyone fussed around as was breathing heavily. She could hear them cry out and plead for her to hold on but she was too tired. The sun shine above them as the warm of the light hit her skin, making her feel warm and safe. Like she was getting a hug from her parents.

She looks at everyone, seeing the terrified expression on their face. Telling her to hold on. She weakly reach out her hand to hold something. Bumblebee, being the closes, reach out and gentle hold her hand. She could feel his servo was shaking as he holds her hand. Aurelia look at each and everyone before giving them a smile.

" Thank you...." Muttered Aurelia, as she could hear whispers from her mind, telling her that it wasn't  her time yet. And her journey will continued in another world, where she and her friends will be needed.

But she wasn't listening as she let out her final breath. The life from her eyes slowly became lifeless as her hand falls limp and slide off from Bumblebee's servo as her hand falls to the ground. Everyone stared at her in shock and horror. Will check her pulse to see if there's still a chance for her to be alive, but nothing. No pulse.

Tears slowly coming out from his eyes ans he spoke out." She's gone." He said as he shakily reach out and close her eyes. Bumblebee, who was beside Aurelia start crying as his dull blue optics stared at the femme who made him feel complete with a soft smile from her face as his tears falls into the ground.

The autobots stared in shock and disbelief at what Will just said. Izabella start crying out loud as Vivian let out a painful sob as she hug the poor girl while Cade hug the two of them. The autobots stared at the lifeless body of Aurelia, thinking that this is just a prank and she will just woke up, completely fine. But it wasn't. Reality hit them so hard to make them realized that she's gone. She's not coming back.

Optimus, flared his optics in anger and grieve as he slam both of his servors to the ground and let out an anguish yelled, making the autobots and the humans flinch as Optimus kneel down right in front of Aurelia's lifeless body. Bowing down as he tried to covered his head as he let out a shaky breath as tears start  coming out from his optics.

The love of his life. The one, who stoled his spark, is gone. He slowly lift is helm as tears came down to his faceplate as she shakily reach his servor over to Aurelia's face as he gently move away her golden blonde hair away from her face.

While everyone is crying out in sadness, something happen that surprise them. Aurelia's body start to glowing as the all spark that reside inside of Auriela's body, start to pulse. They gasp in shock as they watch Aurelia's body became a ball of lights like stars as they headed up into the sky like vortex. They watch in shock and in awe as they watch her body slowly disappeared from their sight.

 They watch in shock and in awe as they watch her body slowly disappeared from their sight

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Yet they didn't know they too as well. The autobots. All except that they didn't turn into a balls of lights like Aurelia, instead their bodies turn like dust. This made the bots to panic as they tried to know whats going on before they became completely disappeared from the sight of the humans, who stared at them in shock after witnessing the autobot just disappeared like a snap of a finger.

But not only the autobots that disappeared, the decepticons as well. They panoc as they tried to know whats going on before they all disappeared. The dusts from the autobots and the decepticons slowly headed towards the vortex before it disappeared once it entered.

The deity of the Cybertronian, Primus, the god of cybertron. Smile softly at the golden ball of light that belong to a certian golden female, sleeping peacefully as she was surrounded bu many other sparks. He then look up to one certain universe then back to the ball of lights.

" your time has come little one. Your journey is just starting. You and the others will help those who needed." He said towards the golden ball of light as he watch it floats away, heading towards the universe that he send it go. Then he looks back at the balls of sparks and he spoke," this is your chances to change yourself. I hope you will chance your mind thanks to the host of all sparks." Then he slowly lift his servors up and watch all the sparks zoom away as they follow the golden ball of light before disappearing from Primus sight.

" Good luck......... my children."

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