💙💛Canada +/x North K.💛💙

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sooo i just found out that chatgpt can write fanfictions?? theyre short but pretty good

this isnt one btw lol
i write everything that i post myself o3o

i got this idea from me giving chatGPT a prompt and it refusing to write it... so i did it myself. fuck you chatgpt

ALSO im working on the requests i have.. felt bad about not posting anything and i wrote this weeks ago so i decided to just put it out to buy myself some more time lol


Canada flipped the keys around in his hand, whistling as he looked for the house key. He had been let off of work early, and it was him and his boyfriend, Finland's, third anniversary.
He wanted to surprise him, so he didn't let Finland know that he was coming home.

He had already went to the store and bought some flowers and candies, ones that he knew Finland would like. The other had been acting a little bit weird recently, and Canada hoped that it was just because he was nervous for their anniversary..

Yeah, that was it.

He finally found the right key, unlocking the door. Stepping inside, he wondered why it was so quiet.
Canada looked around but he couldn't seem to find Finland anywhere. Soon enough, the only room left to check was Finland's room.

Canada stepped up to the door, about to touch the door handle before he stopped.
He heard.. something from inside the room.

He pressed his ear against the door, trying to hear what was going on inside better. He could hear Finland talking, and he decided to listen before he entered.

"It's fine, Sovi~.. Canada wont be home for another.." Finland paused. "Two hours. We have plenty of time."

Canada raised his eyebrow. 'Sovi'?

Did- did he mean Soviet..? The Soviet that Finland always told him that he hated..?

"..I guess you're right, Fin.." Yeah, that was definitely Soviet..

"When am I not?" He heard Finland laugh, and the two went quiet. At least, quiet enough for Canada to not hear.

Canada stood there, processing what he had heard.
He didn't want to jump to conclusions too fast, but he couldn't shake the bad feeling that he had..

(why finland x soviet? cus it makes zero sense. thats the only reason why lol)

Canada decided to look inside. He knew that Finland had always made sure to keep his doors hinges lubricated because he came home late often, so it wouldn't be very loud.

..speaking of, did Canada ever bother to ask where he was going..?

Canada breathed in, preparing himself to bite the bullet and open it. He twisted the door handle, pulling the door open just a little bit. He peeked inside, jaw dropping at what he saw.

Finland was on top of Soviet, kissing him roughly. Soviet's arms were around Finland's neck, clearly pulling him closer. He saw the silhouette of Finland's hand under Soviet's shirt, feeling his breathing speed up and his heart beginning to race.

This wasn't real.

Canada couldn't believe it. He really believed that Finland loved him. Questions and thoughts ran through his mind, but he could only fully focus on one thing;

You need to get out.

Canada dropped everything that he was holding, slamming the door shut and spriting off. He didn't stop to look behind him, tears streaming down his face.
He could hear screaming behind him telling him to stop and wait, but he didn't stop running. Not after he was out of the door, not after he was still near their house, not while he was still anywhere that Finland could find him.

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