💛💙Soviet + Britain💙💛

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soooOooooo i randomly had this idea while reading another fanfic
and i was like 'why not'

decided to give soviet ✨engrish✨ cus why not? also btw: he can understand english fine, just not the best at speaking it

crismus cahptr woooo

disclaimer: they r just friends in this. dont be weird :P


Britain sighed for seemingly the millionth time today, staring out of the window at the falling snow. He glanced at the clock on the wall, whispering out the time to himself.

They were meant to be here hours ago.

He thought about what Soviet was doing. He hadn't seen him since four, and while he knew that Soviet could definitely handle himself, he couldn't help but wonder.

It was a fleeting thought, though, because he began to think about if they would ever actually come. Since Britain and Soviet lived... basically in the middle of a tundra, they weren't able to see other people often.
That included their families.

He figured that Christmas would be a nice time for everyone to finally get together after months, but he guessed not.

He totally hadn't been crying for the past 20 minutes. Not at all.

Suddenly, he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Is you okay?" Britain jumped, seeing Soviet's reflection in the glass. He almost laughed at his perfect english before less happy thoughts took over and prevented him from doing so.

"Yes, I'm.. fine. Just looking outside."

"You not look okay." Damn. Despite the fact that he wasn't the best at communicating with Britain, he was really good at knowing how others felt.

Britain turned around to face him, sadness only enhanced by Soviets visible shock at how bad he looked. His eyes were light red, dried tear tracks running down his face.
Neither of them ever really cried, so while he understood the shock, it still kinda hurt.

Before Britain even had a chance to speak-

"Come, friend." He opened his arms, inviting Britain to give him a hug.

Now it was his turn to be surprised.

For as long as Britain could remember, Soviet had never been big on physical affection. It took a while for him to let Britain even touch him when it wasn't completely necessary, even though they had been friends for years.

Even when they Soviet had his own kids, he became visibly uncomfortable when hugging them.

Britain hesitantly inched closer to him, Soviet's hug offer not expiring no matter how long he took.
As soon as he got close enough, he threw himself into Soviet's arms, fresh tears rolling down his face.

Soviet didn't ask for an explanation as Britain cried, but he still felt a little bit guilty for not giving him one.


"Shush Britain, you not need explain now. I just help you."

Britain internally thanked him for that.
They stayed like that for a few minutes, Britain's cries turning into quiet sniffles.

"You say why you sad now?" Soviet asked him.

Britain took a deep breath before responding. As he talked, he could feel the sadness bubble up inside of him, but he tried to keep it down. "Well.. Christmas, right?" Soviet nodded, letting him continue. "R-remember how our kids were supposed to come over?"

Soviet frowned, seemingly just realizing that it was late on Christmas and they weren't here. "Yes, I do. You sad because kids not here, yes?"

"..Yes. I just really thought they were going to come.."

"It is okay. Your sad is va- vvvaleyed.."


"Yes, valid. Thank yo-"

Suddenly, they heard a knock at the door. Soviet put Britain down, much to his displeasure, and walked around the corner to answer it. As soon as he opened the door-




A plethora of shouts and apologies came from the crowd of countries, Soviet stepping aside to let them in.

The excited countries poured into Britain's house, frantically looking around for him as they dropped their gifts under the tree.

"DAD!! HEY GUYS, HE'S OVER HERE!" Screamed America as he jumped onto Britain, pulling him into a bone-crushing hug.

"Ack- thanks America, now please let me go-" He watched in terror as his other kids rushed into the room, soon forming a pile of hugs on top of Britain.

Even Soviet's kids had joined in, definitely crushing Britain.


"Sorry we're so late, dad! The flight got delayed for, like, 20 hours!" New Zealand groaned, Canada having to specify that it was not 20 hours. "It was more like three."

"Not true!"

"Very true."

"Can confirm, it was 20 hours." Russia added, fist-bumping New Zealand. "Yeah Canada, where'd you get three hours from?" America pulled down his sunglasses to emphasize his point.

"This is unfair, I'm being targeted!"

Soviet laughed from the doorway before feeling a tiny arm pull on his pant leg.

Looking down, he saw his daughter, Belarus. He had sent her to live with his oldest, Russia, since he lived out in the middle of nowhere and that... probably wouldn't be the best for a 3 year old.

"Hello, Bela." He crouched down to his daughters level. Soviet knew that she couldn't really talk yet, but she was obviously happy to see him.

She wrapped her tiny arms around him the best that she could, screaming out "Папа!" with all of the air her lungs could hold.

Soviet hugged her back, whispering to himself,
"Just for one day, hugs is okay."


AWE cute and wholesome

hmmm should the next story of the month be smut/angst or should i keep the wholesomeness goin?

meh ill figure it out later

seeya sometime later this month
give votes pls

adios 👋

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