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Remus pov finally!!:

I don't cook. Okay I do but hardly ever.
What should I cook him..he likes burgers. Right? I mean who doesn't like burgers. Of course he might be vegetarian..what the fuck am I saying, Sirius black will never be vegetarian.

I grab a pan and look through the fridge before grabbing everything I need and starting to prep the meat and then I grab a apron using my wand to turn on the stove..

**Time skip**

I watch as Sirius picks up the burger and for some reason I feel like I'm in one of those muggle cooking shows. "Remus. This is the best burger I have ever tasted I swear to god." He says while smiling and I feel a sense of relief before taking a bite of my own..okay it's a really good burger

"I will literally marry you if you cook for me everyday." He says before looking at me "I-I'm not opposed to that." I say starring at him.

He is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen..I mean it's not like I haven't noticed. I have, all the time but in this moment I don't think there is anything more beautiful than him. Even with the ketchup on the side of his mouth

"Yeah right you would be tired of it after the 1st day." He says rolling his eyes and I reach across the island counter wiping off the ketchup with my thumb. "I could never be tired of you." I saw as my face heats up "not even tired of the whole black thing?" He says attempting to look away

"Sirius you will not turn out like the rest of your family." I say moving forward to him and placing my hands back onto his face "your just Sirius to me. My Sirius." "Boy you are a flirt today-" he says but instead of letting him continue his sentence I kiss him.

He's hesitant at first but I slowly feel him kiss back and I feel his hands move up to my chest before I'm getting pushed against the counter. God he's hot.

"Wait-" he says before pulling away and looking at me "you just kissed me." He says as his eyes widened "yeah and you kissed back" I say moving my hands to his face trying to calm him "so your not straight?" He says slowly "Sirius this whole time you thought I was straight??" I mean I thought the flirting jokes since 5th year would give him a hint "I mean yeah you've never had a boyfriend-" "I haven't had a girlfriend either?!" "You haven't..?"

Oh  my god he's stupid. He's so stupid. "You are so stupid -" I say while laughing "but you- I mean come on you your you-" "some people can't get past the scars." I say before looking away "well I like your scars their derivative"

He says before pulling my focus back to him "you are beautiful Remus." He says firmly and I lean into his touch "it's not your fault that you were made this way." Removing one hand from my face to pull one of mines into his grasp

"I could say the same about you, Sirius you are a black but you are nothing like them and you have to stop punishing yourself for it."
"Two different things." He says sadly "is it really? I hadn't noticed" I say as I watch him, his face showing pain but ultimately has this form of acceptance on it. I pull the hand he's holding up to place a kiss to his knuckles. (Rizz tear)

"Cmon let's go back to the dorm." I say pulling him with me noting the flush on his face it's so funny how not many people can make the pale and beautiful Sirius crumble like I can, make him blush like I can. "Yeah we should probably get back James is probably worried sick or smth" he says as I guide him through the doors to the portrait of the singing lady who was sleeping thank Merlin.

When we finally reached our dorm Peter was sleeping too like a baby but James..James wasn't here. "Where's prongs?" Sirius says confused looking up at me "hm.." I say shrugging my shoulders before looking at the marauders map on James bed..oh shit.

The marauders map layed right there open with James name set right ontop of regulus's by the black lake. "What are you looking at?" Sirius says while walking over to me his eyes falling to the map "oh  their at the black tree that's so weird regulus will probably be trying to kill him right now I bid James goodluck" Sirius says while laughing and he's unaware of the obvious consequences.

The train, the dining hall, the astronomy tower..they're shagging.
Sirius doesn't place this instead he closes the map and hands it to me "for safe keeping." And I take it setting it in my desk drawer before feeling two arms wrap around my waist as I turn my body enough to see Sirius

He smiles up at him and i smile back trying to disguise the fact I know exactly what James and regulus are doing at the lake, almost like setting It aside to take all of him in. Sirius fucking my black "it's criminal how well you look with your hair to the back love." The blush creeping back onto his face as he smiles a bit before he retracts his hands only to place them on my face and pull me down to kiss him

I kiss back closing my eyes as it feels like I'm  sinking into him.

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