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He likes me. I like him. I think Harry likes him, but idk if he likes Harry. I can't date someone if they have a problem with Harry. He's my son.

I stare at regulus for a moment it's well into the night by now the only light being the moon, most the castle lights have been turned off.

"What you said was true." I tell him and he leans up and looks at me "when you said I don't know much about you, but I would like to." I say to him "why?" Regulus says looking at me "because i want to know more about the guy I like." "Okay..what do you think we should do?" "Question game" "I have rules." He says back "don't bring up you know who." He says and I'm betting he's talking about Sirius "don't try and input on my life like if I say I'm dumb don't correct me cuz Im obviously not I'm a prefect"

"Okay I'll agree to those. But I have a rule. No lying whatsoever no consequences" "deal. You ask the first question." "What are the house elves like at your house?" I ask him and he smiles at me "I have a house elf named kreacher he is quite a bitch but he is my best friend."  He says in an amused tone

I laugh at this "my turn, what is it like having a kid?" Regulus says to me "well it's a bit overwhelming at times but I love it, I love him. He's not like normal children he is a lot quieter and more relaxed definitely got that from his mother" "he seems like my kind of baby" regulus says while laughing "think he's everyone's kind of baby." I say ignoring how my heart flutters as he said 'my baby'.

"Okay um. Who was your first?" I say and his eyes widen "WOAH. That's personal business" he says "that's like the whole point of the game now clocks ticking sir" I say and he pauses for a second before looking at me "barty." He says after 10 seconds of quietness "BARTIMEUS?" I say honestly not shocked but yet a bit taken aback at how embarrassed he is over it "yeah. Before I transitioned ofcourse. Not my best time." "Well I'd bet I'd have to be having the worst year of my life to spend a night with crouch..okay maybe not the worst he is kinda cute..nice hair." I say as parts of crouch's features come to mind

"Quite a pain in the ass tho." "I can agree with that"
I say closing my eyes and getting comfortable. "Why do you like me?" He asks and I can't help but smile..(I'm evil I know but y'all ain't getting another paragraph.)


"Hey moony?" I say walking around the school "yeah?" He says looking up from his book "where's worm tail and prongs?" "Idk wormtails probably in the common room or sleeping and James is probably flirting with someone in ther e. "I call bull shit." I say "who the hell has he been hanging out with these few days."I say quickly "Not us" Remus says as he smirks at me "what?" I say looking at him "idk your  just kind of cute when your worried" and i immediately turn away "moony now is definitely not the time for
You to be in your flirty mood" I say.

trying to keep my head straight before I turn around only to be met with a body infront of me "why not?" He says looking down at me he only has a few inches but I still have to move my neck a little to see him his deep blue eyes so beautiful.

"B-because." I say trying to remember who I am. I'm Sirius black, I'm a fucking flirt I can handle Remus. I grab a hold of his tie making him bend down to my height "you are a naughty wolf lupin." I say to him and his face flushes but he doesn't move from my grasp like I know he can.

I tighten my grip pulling him down even more our faces centimeters apart before letting go "god your a tease." Remus says fixing his posture "like you didn't start it." I say back to him before walking through the great hall "we should sneak into the kitchen." Remus says and I agreed because it's probably his hunger for chocolate getting to him.

"We should." We slowly made our way to the kitchen our hands touching but never interlocking. Until we get to the door "what if someones in there? We should have brought the cloak!" "No one's gonnna be in there it's completely safe" "how do you know." "I don't but I'm gonna give it a bet" "okay is this my same Remus who was scared to sneak into the prefect's bathrooms??" "cmon you scared dog." Remus says before grabbing my hand and walking in

As we get there it's quiet until we hear a pan clattering and then blonde hair is revealed "Marlene?" I hear Remus say from beside me "Remus?!" I hear another voice from the cupboard kinda sounded like "DORCAS" I say "what I'm the bloody hell are you two doing in there-" I say before Remus stops me "wait. Messy hair. Wrinkled clothes..messed up makeup! SIRIUS THERE SHAGGING." He says looking at me and closing his book "w-whaaat" i here Dorcas say before she finally  appears fixing herself up "wow" Remus says "so believable" I say back to him "well what are you two doing here?" Marlene says looking at us "getting chocolate" we both say at the same time

"Uhuh.." they say in sync.. "so.." "we won't tell anyone." Remus says quickly "I mean it was about time" he adds on "dude me and Dorcas have been dating for months." "No way." I say looking at them both mouth open "how the hell did you to stay a secret that long?!?" I spit out "it's not hard Peter knows and James is too caught up in quidditch while you two are caught up in eachother" Dorcas says while smiling and fixing her robe walking out "that's true" marlen says following her as we hear there laughter down the halls

"We aren't caught up in each other." Remus says before shutting the door and looking around for chocolate 'totally not.' I think to myself before finding a bunch of chocolate chips and passing him the bowl "moony."

I say "yes?" He replies back "make me food." I interject "what do I get in return?" I think to myself for I second "you get one favor to ask me to do for you." At this he takes a couple chips from the bowl and sets them in his mouth while starting to cook up god knows what and I smile what on earth could he want me to do?

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