Feeding harry

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"It's okay" I mouth back before smiling and him give just a tiny smile back before going back to reading his book "you hungry mate?" I ask to Harry looking down at him and he just gives a grunt before turning and looking up "what on earth does that mean?" I say before grabbing a peas and carrots (sauce?) from his bag and grabbing a spoon opening it and attempting to feed him "hmmm" he says turning away from the spoon "what? No pea-sand carrots boo?" I say to him "hm hm" he says turning away from me again "you have to eat boo"

"just a soon?" I say to convince him more and he turns back opening his mouth and I bring the spoon back up and eats he takes 3 more bites before the 5th bite comes and he slaps it into the air out of my hand and i can tell where it lands until I hear a scream and I move my head to the sound 3 seats down from regulus is a very angry snape stabding with a spoon sliding off his dark black hair along with the greenish brown liquid.

"Oh shit" Sirius says smiling at Harry before high fiving Peter "POTTER." he yells before walking torwards me "SNAPE YOUR STILL HERE!" I say sarcastically passing moony Harry and looking at him meeting him halfway "damn right I am." He says annoyed "love what you've done with your hair, new gel I suppose?" I say watching the slop fall smiling to myself and noting to give Harry juice as a reward for this "no. Your dumb fucking kid did this to me" he says and my smile falters "call my son dumb again I dare you." "Gladly." He says "how about you stop feeling that dumb kid shit he doesn't want to eat and leave it at home or something?" I scoff and I'm about to walk away before I hear Snape says "maybe keep that mother killer in check before bringing it here." He says darkly and now I'm pissed

I turn around and give him my best left hook and he falls on his ass reaching for his wand about to cast a spell when suddenly  a white light hits him and he's frozen I turn to see Peter and Sirius run to me and neither of them have their wands. Then I turn to Remus who's still holding Harry and my eyes trail over tp regulus who's wand is out in between his book still reading but wand is still pointed at Snape and I want to smile but I can't thinking about earlier events.

"Harry didn't fucking kill lily you piece of dirt." I say to Snape before picking up Harry from Remus and walking out into the hall and sitting down with him in my lap his head on my shoulder "sorry you had to see that boo" I whisper and he giggles before lifting up and looking at me "dada" he says in between the two front teeth he has "what'd you say!" I open my eyes wider "dada" he says happier than before and clapping his hands "you are the most amazing baby Harry!" I say holding up my one year old

"Ah there you are!" My friends say as the walk to me "Harry spoke!" I say happily "WHAT LEMME SEE" Sirius says taking him "say I love my uncle Sirius!" "Mate..he's 1." Remus says "dada" Harry says pulling on Sirius hair "ow ow ow James" Sirius says attempting to unclench Harry's hand before I assist him smiling

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