Vol. 6, Chapter 2 - U.N.O Time!

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Part 1

(Karma POV)

The event was about to begin shortly. I went to my assigned group, and took a seat, which happened to be next to Karuizawa-san. She side-eyed me for a second, then whispered.

"What are you doing?"

"Me? Just playing this game."

"I meant, what the hell were you thinking telling Hasabe-san about... well you know... that?" She said, irritated.

By that, she meant about Kiyotaka being in a relationship, which is currently still kept secret from everyone, save for a select few.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." I acted oblivious.

"You know, exactly what I'm talking about." She hissed.

"C'mon now. It's just a joke between friends."

"You're going to give her ideas." She countered.

"Well I suppose it isn't out of the realm of possibility, but have you even stopped to consider the kind of person that guy is?"

Although he has the looks, it's not like people are going to start falling for him left and right. Well... there may already some who have - one of them being the girl to Karuizawa-san - but still. From my time outside, confidence is what really makes one attractive.

Considering how he never really displays himself as someone like that - at least in the eyes of the public - the thought of him secretly dating someone likely never crossed their mind.

Though I have noticed that Airi has been observing him from a distance. She may have started to pick up on a few details here and there, but not enough to form a concrete conclusion.

"Of course I have. You of all people should also know about the reputation he's been slowly building up for himself nowadays."

Ah yes. Reputation in the grand scheme of social hierarchy.

Looks, talents, skills, intelligence, wealth, personality, confidence.

People are easily attracted to someone who emanates these traits. The more  of these one possesses, the more reputable they are, and if they know how to make use of them, more people would follow.

Take the current student council president Nagumo Miyabi-senpai. He has it all. The only problem I could think of from his is his personality. He's egotistic, and annoying, but it's not like there's no good reason for that.

Considering his capabilities, he's under the impression that none in his year can stand in his way. There may certainly be some, but they either don't care, or don't have it in them. All of his achievement have allowed him to gain control of his entire year, and is uncontested by them.

Of course one doesn't necessarily have to take advantage of their reputation. In fact, there are just some who are popular just for the heck of it. Take the two ikemen, Isogai, and Hirata-kun.

Both are popular with girls, not just because of their looks and capabilities, but also their personalities. Their kindness is their charm, and girls are easily smitten by them.

Personally, I've never really cared for any of that. I just like doing my own thing.

I sighed at her worry. "If you're that concerned, then just make it public."

"Wh-what?" She flustered. "I- well- I..."

Looks like I broke her. The thought of her just announcing it to everyone must've caused her brain to short-circuit. Although Kiyotaka's reputation is improving, and one can't necessarily say that he's invisible anymore, Karuizawa-san does have a reputation to maintain among the girls in class.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2023 ⏰

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