Vol. 4, Chapter 3 - Inauguration

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(Ayanokoji POV)

(Part 1)

The day after Karma and I were strategizing proceeded as normal - is what I would say if it weren't for all the talks about our battle against Nagumo going around.

As soon as Karma and I arrived in the classroom together, a bunch of our classmates approached us, most of them were from Kei's group. Karma said that they were at the restaurant.

They were all repeating the same questions:

'Did you guys actually challenged Nagumo-senpai?'

'Are you guys insane?'

As soon as they finished asking questions, I turned to suffering incarnate, who was whistling innocently beside me, while averting my gaze. I took my bag, which was filled with a bunch of books I was supposed to return to Hiyori, and a couple of rocks, and I swung it with a lot of force towards his head. He let out a scream as he dodged. The impact it would've made would have given him more than a concussion.

If I had a knife, I'd stab him right here, right now.

I did not appreciate this kind of attention we were getting, but we're too far in to get out of it.

Before we could provide an explanation, Horikita sensed my discomfort and interrupted. She asked them to leave us alone, as this shouldn't be made into a bigger issue than it needs to be. They all hesitantly complied. I thanked her by giving her a nod.

Kei then texted me to meet with her after class. I told her I'll do it as soon as I was done with my appointment with Horikita.

Horikita said that she wanted to speak with both of us in private after class. I told her we'll only go after Karma and I finish our dinner.

Some time later, some of us had our phone received a notification. Those that did received one of the special cards.

I ended up with the Trial Card, Horikita with the Half-Off Card, and Karma with the Bonus Card.

"I never thought I'd get a special card" I muttered under my breath.

This was troublesome. This card was bound to garner me even more attention. Additionally, it's a double edge sword. The requirement says that we need to be in the top 30% for its effect to be used, however not being the top 30% would prove to be a detriment.

It would probably be a wiser idea to trade it with someone, but not many were willing to risk the penalties that came with this card.

It's possible that Tsukishiro had given me the card in order to help force my expulsion, but given that the card can be transferred, that was far too weak of a strategy to pressure me. It would be more natural to interpret it as nothing more than the luck of the draw.

"You really have quite the string od bad luck, don't you?" Horikita called out to me.

"It's truly distressing."

"It would be nice if we could trade within the class freely, still, no one would probably want to hold on to the Trial Card even if we were allowed to."

She's not wrong.

After morning classes were over, it was now time for lunch.

Currently I was eating lunch with the Ayanokoji Group and Karma in the cafeteria. There were a couple of third years around, and some of them were looking at us.

"You guys don't seem bothered by it." Said Keisei.

"Bothered about what?" I asked.

"Well isn't it obvious? I'm talking about the third years staring at you two."

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