|| "Morning~!" "AAAAA SPIDER!!" ||

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||Riki POV||
I sing chirpily. I know this morning's gonna be a good morning! I didn't have any bad dreams tonight, and neither did I wake up in the middle of the night! I had a good, long sleep~!
"Morning, Riki-sweetie~!" Valeria sings happily. I giggle. That was a cute nickname~. I blush. Valeria blushes too. We both then kiss again.
Yesterday we spent the rest of the day together in bed kissing and making out with each other. It was pretty nice! No interruptions! We even slept together for the first time! ||<3 aww!!||
I then widen my eyes and break apart from the kiss in fear. "What's wrong?" Valeria asks, puzzled. "A... SPIDER!!!" I yell. I have arachnophobia so I'm pretty scared of spiders. Their weird crawly legs, their bug-catching webs. (Imagine if they could capture humans...) "O-oh!!" Valeria exclaims as she looks behind her. The spider was next to her bare feet. I mumble, nervous. My voice was trembling and so was Valeria's. She didn't have arachnophobia, she just hates spiders. "B-be right back! I'll go get a broom...!" Valeria trembles and runs out of my bedroom. "H-hey, don't leave me here— Gah, what's the point? She probably doesn't hear me by now..." I mumble. I look at the bouncing spider. It goes next to my legs. My legs are open so the spider jumps into the spot where my legs are open. "Oh lord, is it like the animes where an animal goes into your private parts or something—?" I ask myself, annoyed. I then scoot back, but I'm at the end of my bed where my pillows are. The spider crawls onto my crotch. "WHAT THE FUCK—!" I yell.
"I'm back!" Valeria yells. She brings the broom into my bedroom. She then blushes once she sees where the spider is. "Haaaaa!" she yells as she hits the broom onto my crotch. "A-AH~!" I moan. ||Don't worry, the broom is soft lol|| I have no idea why but that felt... Good? God, this reminds me of the horny dream... Valeria's face turns red from my moan. She then removes the broom from my crotch. The spider wasn't there anymore. "The spider's on the ceiling!!" I holler. Valeria screams and hits the spider. It falls onto the floor. Valeria pants. "Gah, what a relief... It's dead, hopefully," Valeria says, panting. She grabs a paper towel and puts the spider in the toilet and flushes it down the toilet. "Thank THE LORD, it's GONE!!" I groan, panting. I close my legs and put my head on my knees. "Phew..." I sigh. Valeria gets onto the bed. "Jeez, when you moaned..." Valeria sighs. I blush harder.
"What happened?!" Julie asked, barging into the room. Katrina (I knew) also came as well. They jump onto the bed with us. "Spider... Came... On... My crotch... Val... Touched my crotch... With a broom..." I panted, sort of breathless. Julie and Katrina smiled at each other and giggled. "What?" Valeria and I both asked in unison. "I'm wondering if you guys will ever do... The 'you know'~," Katrina giggles. "WHAAAAAAAAAT?!" Valeria and I tell in unison. We both look at each other and blush. "Sure, we'd kiss, but not do 'that'!" I tell them, flustered as hell. "You sure~?" Julie teased. "YES!" Valeria exclaimed, her face turning red. "Hehe, okay~," Katie says and smiles mischievously. "I wanna see you guys kiss!!" Julie exclaims. "Fine..." I say. "Wait, wha—" Valeria was paused by my lips on hers—we were kissing. We went into a very deep kiss. Katrina looked at us with her mouth opened wide. "Oh, my, fucking, God!" Julie gasps. Katrina was speechless. Valeria then took control of the kiss and licked my lips and then kept kissing. I pin her onto the bed and let her keep control of the kiss. Julie and Katrina were still speechless. Valeria went into my mouth and licked everywhere. That felt so good, I had to moan! "Ah~," I moaned between licks. We finally broke apart. I then held her face close to mine. Valeria blushes. I lick her lips and kiss her one more time. I blush, not believing I just did that... Valeria blushes, not believing she just did that romantic seductive kiss either.
"YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTEEEE!!" Julie squeals. "Th-thanks..." Valeria mutters and looks at me lovingly. I smile at her lovingly. "That was good, wasn't it, Val?" I ask seductively. Valeria blushes a little more and nods. We then hold each other's hands gently. "I'll love you forever~," I say and smile gently. Valeria smiles as well and we both kiss one more time, but this time, more passionately.

||Hey guys, just so you know, at the end of the new parts, there will be love poems made by Riki or Valeria! This one will be Riki.||

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Don't ever shed
Your lovely blues.
You're always the love of my life
And always will be!
You're the coolest
And I love you for infinity~!

—Riki Osana, To Valeria Ross

||By the way, I ain't doing word counts in the story no more cuz I'm lazy sooo, yea!||

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