|| "JULIEEEE!!!" ||

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I yelled. I was sprinting towards her. Julie looked towards me once I yelled and gasped. "Hey!! Did you finally kiss Valeria?" Julie taunted jauntily. I stopped running once I got close to her. "No..." I said, panting and kind of disappointed once I heard that question. "Awh! I want y'all to make out soon, that might've been the best~!" Julie whined. I blush. "Wh-what!?" I exclaim. Julie laughed. "You guys would be a cute couple though~," Julie admitted, laughing. "...Kind of agree with you," a voice called out from behind. It was Maya, the fourth person in our friendship group. Our friendship group has five people, but our fifth friend is very sick. Hopefully the fifth person, Jimena gets better and comes back to school so she doesn't miss my confession or anything about me and Valeria...! Maya giggled. "Why were ya in a rush anyways?" Julie asks. "How... How... Uh... How do I hide my steamy relationship with Valeria from my parents?!" I finally ask. I don't know why I was so shy to ask that question... Maybe because I'm desperate but also nervous...? "Oh, well that's a toughie. Your parents are pretty strict and can figure out anything about you in a blink of an eye," Maya sighs and puts her fist on the side of her head with a sort-of puzzled look. "I have no idea either. Maybe send your love letters to Valeria in secret. If your parents barge into your room while writing a letter, your dead, so do it at school or while you're home alone. You're usually home alone right? 'Cause of your parents?" Julie asks. I nod. "Okay. Well that may be the answer. And also, think about your crush in secret..." Julie suggests optimistically. Maya hugs me from behind. "Thanks for asking that 'cause we care about you, and your the leader of our friendship group!" Maya sings. I giggle. "And thanks for answering this question, Julie. That really helps me understand what to do..." I say calmly, keeping Maya's arms wrapped around my chest. I keep smiling. My friendship group is the best. Everyone is the best!

||SHEESH 360 WORDS!! I'll try and make the next part longer, probably. Thanks for reading! ^^||

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