|| "What are you guys doing at my house?!" ||

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||Riki's POV||
I asked with surprise. "We came to surprise you~," Julie responded. "And look who I brought~," Julie added and bought Valeria closer to me. We blushed at each other. The dream that I had caught both of our attention to blush. "Wh-where's Maya?" I ask, waving off the idea of the 'horny dream' thing. "Oh, she had extra homework. She can't come, but she might be able to come tomorrow, maybe even Venus! She's starting to feel better~!" Julie explains. "Yay!" I squeal happily. "Hey, let's go to my room," I suddenly suggest in panic and grab Valeria's hand, and run upstairs to my bedroom. "Ooh~," my little sister, Katrina oohed. "What are you gonna do in there with Valeria~?" Katrina asked. I growl. Katrina's so fucking annoying! "Mind your own damn business!" I say and sigh. "You sure you're not gonna—" Julie was interrupted by my free hand on her mouth. "Shut up!" I exclaim, embarrassed. We both go into my bedroom. "Oooh, la-la~!" me and Valeria heard Julie and Katrina both sing at the same time.

||Narration (No POV)||
They both then giggled and put their ear at the door to hear what was going on...

"So, have you had any more 'nightmares' of me being seductive to you?" Valeria teases. Riki blushes. "What?! N-no! It stopped... Somehow..." Riki mumbles. Valeria giggles seductively. Riki was already blushing to the ends of her ears. "Just wondering, did you like the sexual dream?" Valeria asks, holding her waist whilst they're sitting on the bed. Riki's face turned red. "Eh-what?!" Riki exclaimed in shock. She hides her face in her hands. "U-uhm... Maybe?" Riki responds. "Ooh~," Valeria sang and giggled. "Okay, yes!" Riki exclaims and smiles softly. Valeria gasped and giggled.
"What are they talking about? Did Riki have a seductive dream? ABOUT VALERIA?! WITHOUT TELLING ME?!" Julie asks and gasps. "Hehe, this is getting juicy~," Julie whispers. Katrina giggles and keeps listening in.
Riki then sat on Valeria's lap. Valeria blushes. "Huh?" she mumbled. Riki then kissed her deeply. Valeria's eyes were open wide and her hands got pinned to the wall by Riki's. Valerie then calmed and giggled and leans into the deep kiss. Riki and Valeria closed their eyes and kept kissing. They finally broke apart. "H-how was that?" Riki asked, embarrassed. Valeria had a surprised look on her face. Valeria then smiles. Riki kept Valeria's hands pinned to the wall. Riki giggles and kisses her forehead. Valeria giggles seductively and moves her hips. "H-hey you horny bitch...!" Riki bashfully stutters and blushes even harder.
"Oh my god~!" Katrina squeals. "This is getting steamy!!" Katrina whispers to Julie. Julie nods in agreement and giggles. Julie then holds Katrina in her arms. "I'm sooo curious about what's gonna happen next!!" Julie squeals. Katrina blushes and giggles. Maybe they're in love? :3 (jk idk)
"I bet Julie and your little sis are hearing us from the door, aren't they?" Valeria asks. "I can hear them,"
"Yep, definitely them..." Riki responds.
"Damn it, they caught us, run!" Julie whispers to Katrina. Julie takes Katrina's hand and runs down the upstairs hallway. Riki opens her bedroom door and peeks into the hallway. "Ugh, I thought I heard them. They probably ran away," Riki sighs. Valeria giggles. "Those silly two~," Valeria says, smiling. "More like nosy," Riki groans. "Welp, at least we had our first kiss~! Like in your dream—!"
"Sh-shut up!"
"Hehehe!!" Valeria laughs.
||571 words throughout the story! :/||

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