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The girl Reno had called Cissnei stood there on the road leading to Gongaga, hands on her hips and a frown on her face. Then, she flicked her wrist, and the silvery-orange shuriken she'd hurled into the ground at our feet flew back to her. She caught it effortlessly as we all watched, still surprised by her dramatic entrance.

"What are you doing out here, Cissnei?" Rude asked.

"I could ask you the same question," she replied. "But I don't think I need to. It's obvious. And I don't want any fighting here."

Reno didn't budge. "We've got our orders."

"I know that," Cissnei retorted. "But it doesn't matter, Reno. I won't let you cause more trouble for this town. It's already seen far more than enough. So get moving. I don't want to fight you."

"Can't say I'm thrilled about it, either," he sighed. Then he glanced at us and shrugged. "Fine. We'll let you off... this time."

Rude nodded. "We might be leaving, but we've still won."

Tifa snickered. "Just keep telling yourself that."

Then, without another word, he and Reno sauntered off down the main road in the same direction Elena had gone earlier. Cloud, Aerith, and I shared a confused glance with each other and Tifa, then the four of us all turned to Cissnei, lowering our weapons but not putting them away just yet. Although she'd spared us a fight with Reno and Rude, we still didn't know all that much about her.

"You won't be needing those," Cissnei said, lowering her shuriken. "At least, not against me. I'm not your enemy."

"How did you know Reno and Rude?" Tifa asked.

Cloud gazed knowingly at Cissnei. "You're a Turk, too."

She nodded. "Used to be. Not anymore. You're right, though. I was one, for a long time. But... I needed a change."

"So it seems," he said.

Then her eyes widened slightly. "Wait a minute... Cloud? Is that... is that really you? I thought you'd died with... well, nevermind. It's not important right now. I'm just glad you're alright."

He stared at her. "You know me?"

"Have you ever met her, Cloud?" I asked.

"No, Jessie," he answered, shaking his head. "I don't remember ever running into her before. At least... I don't think so."

Aerith glanced at him. "You sure?"

"Positive," Cloud answered.

Cissnei sighed as she tucked her shuriken away. "I'm not surprised. You were pretty out of it the last time I saw you."

I frowned. "What do you mean? When? Where?"

"Easy, Jessie..." Tifa laid a hand on my arm.

Cissnei's brown eyes settled on Buster for a moment before moving on. "We should head into town. I know a place where you can stay the night, if you'd like. And we can grab something to eat as well. It's more comfortable than just standing out here all day."

"Tell us about Cloud," I insisted.

I was being stubborn, I knew, but I loved him. And if what she was saying was true, that he'd been sick or hurt when she'd seen him before, I wanted to know why and what had happened. Especially if there was a connection to that mission he'd gone on with Zack all those years ago when we'd first met. Whatever it was, I had to find out.

Cloud shouldered his swords and motioned for me to back off. "It's okay, Jessie. We'll hear what she has to say in town."

"Alright..." I sighed, giving in.

Final Fantasy VII: Lifestream - Book 3: PursuitWhere stories live. Discover now