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As we left off, Clementine and (YN) finally manage to escape from Carver's prison building through the herd of walkers, but there was a bit situations that happen during their escape...Carlos's death, Sarah ran away, Luke got shot while going after Sarah with Luke, and Sarita bit as she ran off with Kenny and the others. Clem and (YN) both stick with Rebecca...and Jane as well.
After some hours pass, it was the afternoon, They were walking down through the woods and to go meet up everyone else at the spot where they're suppose to meet...Clem notices (YN) looking at the picture he has with his mom....and the so called "father" that happens to be Carver, in it too...he rips him off the picture and just to have only him and his mom there and to keep it with him for remembering...

Clementine: How you're feeling?

(YN): ..I'm okay, just...gonna need to have time to forget about know?

Clementine: Yea, I do. It'll be fine, don't worry.

(YN): ..I hope.

The two notice Rebecca behind them, as she look she's running out of breathes from the walking they've been going, tired as well and couldn't keep up, the two slowed down stay with her...

(YN): Hey Bec...everything alright?

Rebecca: ..No, I'm not alright...but I'll be a lot better once we get to the others. But, more importantly, how are you??

(YN): ...I'm fine.

Rebecca: It'll be alright sweetie, don't worry.

(YN): ...Hopefully.

Rebecca: ...I just hope everyone else made it out, Luke..Sarah..Kenny...god damn it, what if they aren't there?

Clementine: ...

(YN): ....

Jane: If they aren't, nothing much we can do about it.

Rebecca: Don't even say things like that.

Jane: Fine, sorry

Rebecca: ...Jesus, I don't even know if we're safe, what if the here is still following us? It's been quiet but, who knows...

Clementine: ..It's been at least an hour since we haven't seen any of them.

(YN): Yea, no sight of them either, and not even some around here, so we should be good, for now.

Rebecca: Better be lucky......I know I should feel glad that we've escaped from there, but I can't stop thinking about the others. It was stupid.

Jane: What was? Escaping??

Rebecca: Look I know we all agreed to use the herd to get out, but...maybe we should have been a little more patient, came up with something better.

Jane: No we wouldn't, it worked!

Rebecca: If you can call that working! We could've..I don't know.

Clementine: ...Maybe we should have waited a bit, and done something else, maybe then Sarita would've been bit...

(YN): Hey don't, okay Clem?? It wasn't your fault, Kenny will understand, besides he rush and saw you saved her from that Walker.

Jane: Hey look, I know that some of your people didn't make it, but Carver-

Jane notices (YN) glaring at her for mentioning his name...

Jane: ...I mean "He" was crazy, staying longer would have prolonged the inevitables I'm just saying, if they haven't panicked, thing would have turn out better.

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