44. Gio

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January 2, 2023 ( baby is one week old)

I was fucking pissed.

How dare they make demands of me? Who did they think there were coming up my driveway making a scene yelling? They were stupid of they think they could come here creating a commotion demanding anything from me.

"Where are they?" I demanded Cam who had met me down the hall.

"In your office," he replied and I clenched my jaw, "it was the closest room we could get to before they could start breaking anything." I slammed my door opened when it reached my office starling the couple inside.

The woman was short with dark hair and hazel eyes. She wore a black and white dress with red flats while her husband was tall with dark hair and green eyes that were the same as those of Aros.

The male pushed his wife behind him when I walked in. I stood at the entrance of my office and looked them up and down.

"I demand your security return my gun," he said and I gave him an amused smirk as I walked towards my desk making them back up, the woman still behind her husband. Did he really think that he could protect her when l could easily kill them with one shot with my eyes closed from where I sat?

"Demand," I chuckled as I sat in my chair and leaned back in it before placing my feet on the desk. "You're funny."

He clenched his jaw as he sent a withering glare my way but I wasn't phased. I raised a brow and noticed  the woman scratching at her arm. I could see dark needle marks littering her arms as she twitched. She was having withdrawal symptoms. Her husband was too, but he was much better at hiding it. I could see a few needle marks in his exposed neck as his fingers clenched and unclenched. "You really think you could come to my house and demand things from me?"

"Where's Aros? We know he's here now," the woman whispered as her eyes twitched as she scanned my office. "We have to have him back."

"Why?" I asked titling my head. I knew aros wasn't sold to child traffickers but I always wondered how he ended up at the orphanage where we adopted him and Tanner from. Miss Sabina didn't know either as she said that an officer brought him to her but didn't disclose anything not even when she had asked him.

"It concerns you none," the drug addict before me said as he began to get irritated with me but I laughed, head thrown.

"Shut up!" The woman shouted as she began pacing my office. I chuckled and sat up and watched as she began looking at what she could possibly grab and steal.

"Are you seriously thinking of stealing in front of me?" I asked as I held a gun towards her, the click of the safe freezing her, with wide hazel eyes as she stared back at me.

"N-no," she stuttered. She shook her head making me chuckle.

"What do you want?" I asked the pair.

"We want our son," the man said as he stood protectively in front of his wife.

"No," I stated and he glared but as I said, I wasn't afraid of these people. "Aros is not your son, he stopped being your son the moment he was put up for adoption."

"We never put him up for adoption!" The woman yelled, "they took him from us."

"And for good reason." I stated as I pointed at her needle marked arms and she covered them but it was useless. "Aros is not going anywhere, especially with some drug addicts."

"You don't understand," the male said, "we need him."

"We owe people money and they said they would let it pass if we sold him to them," the woman said. I clenched my jaw. Did they really think that I would stoop to their level and hand Aros over to them because they were in debt?

"And that's not my problem," I stated, "as I said, Aros is my son and he won't be going anywhere with you."

"They'll kill us if we don't hand him over," The man said as he twitched, fear in his sunken eyes.

"Do you even know who you're speaking with?" I asked titling my head to look at them and they shook their heads making me smirk as I held my gun towards them again. "I'm the one people fear. I am the one who rules this city and I am the one who will put a bullet through anyone's head if they think they could come here and demand things from me. I am the one who people call the Greek Devil."

Their eyes widened as they stepped back.

"You will forget Aros exists, you will forget that you have a son for if any threat comes towards him, I will destroy the city and find you, and you will not like what will happen to you. Heed my warning for I am not one to mess with."

And for good measure I fired a shot at the wall behind them making them scream, "you've been warned."

Cam walked in a moment later to escort the trembling figures out of my office."Tell Arrow I want to speak with him."


January 5, 2023 (baby is two weeks old)

"You were right about them, Boss" Arrow said though the speaker and I rolled my eyes, "but you knew that already."

"What did you find, Arrow?"

"From what I gathered while trailing them, they owe some big shot drug dealer," he said and I clenched my jaw, "but they're not the only ones. There are more than 20 drug addicts that owe him money and each have sold their child or their wives/husbands."

"I want you to find the drug dealer and kill him or them, I want that bastards off the streets as soon as possible, do you understand?"

"Loud and clear,Boss."

"Gio?" I looked up at the sound of Nico's voice and saw him standing at the door of my office. His hand on his stomach.

"You know you're not supposed be on your feet, love." I said walking over to him and lifting him up into my arms making him let out a squeak. I grinned as I looked down at him as I made my way towards our bedroom.

"Yes, but you were taking so long to come to bed," he replied as I gently laid him down on the bed and pulled the covers over him.

"I was on the phone with Arrow," I said as I sat on the edge of the bed and he furrowed his brows, "but don't worry. I've got it under control."

"I don't want them to take him," he murmured and I nodded.

"And they won't, they'll have to kill me first if they think they can take Aros from us."

I'll Always Choose You #Watty's2023Where stories live. Discover now