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"Are you sure this is what you want?" asked Annabelle. She appeared wary and Vanessa didn't blame her. The decision was impulsive; one which at the time, she'd believed was the right thing to do. She had reservations now. 

"I'm not so sure now." She looked down, running her hands along the smooth material. Why had she agreed to do this? 

"I get it. The first time I came looking for a dress to your cousins' wedding, I felt out of my element. It's different when it's a wedding dress." Annabelle stood in front of her own floor length mirror swaying gently with a soft smile on her lips. The material swooshed on the floor where Sofia sat determined to catch the hem. 

"I feel like an imposter. Better yet, I feel like I'm playing dress up." Annabelle had wanted to go dress shopping and, like the dutiful maid of honor and wedding planner, she joined. She hadn't expected the shop owner to recognize them both and to insist they try on dresses. After all, they were both planning to get married. She should have stood her ground and insisted the attention remain on Annabelle but, she knew what her new sister was like. She'd have found another way to get the attention off her sooner or later. 

"You look beautiful," answered Annabelle. Vanessa disagreed. It was Annabelle who looked beautiful. The laced full bodice reached her collar bone and drifted into laced sleeves which were detailed with delicate swirls. The thick skirt puffed out slightly giving her thin frame a fuller look. The dress was stunning but, having a giddy Annabelle wear it is what truly turned it into a masterpiece. 

"My brother is a lucky man," said Vanessa. 

"He really is." The women startled, both turning around quickly at the voice. Annabella immediately grinned though Vanessa found herself stunned stiff. 

"Jonah! What a surprise to see you here." Annabelle hugged him quickly and then turned to Vanessa.

"I wasn't sure you'd make it," answered Vanessa. She'd called him earlier that day asking him to capture the dress hunt but he'd been reluctant. When she'd been coerced into wearing a wedding dress, she'd been grateful for his hesitance. 

Jonah stepped closer towards her, his trusty camera bag hanging over his right shoulder where his grip was tight. His eyes traveled around her body, taking in every detail. Once he was within reach he paused and looked deep in her eyes. His expression was odd. Vanessa couldn't quite place what he was feeling. He cleared his throat and quietly said, "I think you look great but, I'm not entirely sure this style is for you." He reached down to where the ball gown dress puffed out the most and tapped it carefully. "You look like a ball of cotton." 

Vanessa laughed laughed loudly. Her shoulders relaxed and she felt her anxiety leave her. "You are right." Jonah stepped back and reached inside his bag. He brought the camera up to his face and without warning, took two shots of Vanessa. When he lowered the camera, his grin was wide. 

"We need evidence of this moment. It isn't everyday you tell me I'm right." He winked at her and without waiting for a rebuttal, he turned the camera towards Annabella. She was crouched on the floor playing with Sofia who sat on top of the full skirt lifting up every layer she could reach. When Sofia pulled the material over her chest and smiled towards Annabelle, Vanessa's eyes watered. She'd always wanted what Nick had found. She'd wanted a family and another kid. The older AJ got the more she wished he had a sibling to share his life with. Vanessa wasn't sure her dream would ever come true, especially now that the world seemed to believe she was on her way to the alter. 

"Oh no, the groom can't be here." They all turned to see the shop owner, Hillary, looking frantically at Jonah. 

"It's alright. Today is for Annabelle and Jonah is here to take photos. It isn't like I'm choosing my dress today." answered Vanessa. She made her way towards the dressing room, ready to get out of the marshmallow gown she'd been put in. 

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