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He needed a new agent, preferably one who was less money hungry.

"This is fantastic!" Clive's white teeth were bright. Jonah always felt weird when Clive smiled. His teeth were too white; too artificial. Much like the rest of him. His agents' eyebrows were pencil thin and impossible to move. It always made his expressions look stilted. Clive loved the look of a smooth forehead more than he did his ability to move his facial muscles. "This contract is golden and just what we need. Think of the publicity!"

Jonah felt sick at the thought. "I don't-"

"Don't even think about it." Clive stuck a meaty finger in his face. "We need this."

Jonah hated how right he was. "There has to be a better way."

Clive put his iPad down on the table and sat on the corner of it. If the man wasn't so stick thin, Jonah would worry about him falling through the glass. Clive looked at him, legs apart and his elbows on his knees. His hands met in the open space, entwined and peaked into a triangle. The stupid business book Clive made him read last year let Jonah know exactly what went through his agents' mind. He was asserting his dominance, preparing to play the bad cop. Too bad Jonah could never take him seriously, not after watching him strip and give a show on a pole at his fortieth birthday two years back. "This wedding will get you out of debt, with a profit. You'll just need this one commission piece and you'd be set to continue your East Asian trip."

Jonah knew it. He hated how right Clive was. The money was what he needed. He'd planned a big East Asian trip two years back but, he hadn't anticipated family trouble. All the money he'd had saved for air travel, equipment and housing had disappeared in a year, along with all his credit. He was thousands in debt with no help on the arisen. If Clive weren't such a good friend, Jonah was sure he'd have dropped him years ago. "But this," said Jonah, his hand flying towards the iPad. "This is career suicide."

Clive laughed and crossed his left leg over his right knee. He'd relaxed his pose and Jonah was relieved. Clive the friend had returned. "This is what makes careers, Jonah."

He rolled his eyes. "Only if you want to be a wedding photographer. I want to do more."

"I know." Clive dropped his leg and leaned forward. Jonah kept his eyes on Clive's loud purple pants. "You've always wanted to do more. You've got integrity and such a fantastic eye. It's what made me want to represent you seven years ago. Back then you were a frumpy, fresh out of high school kid. Many didn't think you had what it took but I saw something in you no one did."

"You saw my African piece."

Clive chuckled. "I'd never seen anything like it. When most people visit Africa they want to experience safari trips and tourist sites. But you, you went to the countries people forget exist, the ones hidden in Africa and tortured by lack of resources and poor economic standing. You let the world see what we try forget is really there." Jonah blushed. Clive always believed in him and Jonah secretly loved him for it. It gave him a puff of confidence. "You've achieved a lot in the past few years and you've made a name for yourself, no one can doubt that."

"This will be career suicide."

Clive pumped his fist lightly against Jonah's shoulder. "No. It's a break. You always throw yourself into dangerous situations just for the perfect shot. You've had a traumatic year. What you need is something as frivolous as this wedding to get your mind back, to get your inspiration back."

Jonah kissed his teeth. He'd hoped Clive hadn't realized he'd been lost lately. He should have known. Nothing got passed Clive. "You've noticed?" He asked, his eyes finally looking into Clive's.

"Noticed that you haven't picked up a camera in over a year? Hard not to."


"Don't apologize. I know you needed time. This is a good way to ease into it again. Taking wedding photos should be easy for you." Jonah nodded. It would be automatic, something he'd be able to do without getting attached; something he couldn't do anymore. "So, are you going to sign?"

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