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The biography was three freaking pages long! What were they thinking? How did they possibly believe he'd be able to memorize it all? His head hadn't stopped shaking since he'd begun reading it. When he'd woken that morning with one email and the subject line practically yelling READ, Jonah knew he was in for a headache.

Even though he'd been forced to memorize a lot, Jonah was happy. Reading through the information gave him a secret look into the mind of Vanessa Brady. She'd always intrigued him and now he felt that feeling magnified. A comforting bubble of nostalgia filled him when he'd come across a bit of information he already knew and remembered.

It had taken him all morning to go through it and just in time for the senior Brady's to send for a car. It was show time!


Vanessa had dressed smartly, already knowing how these interviews usually went. She sat at the back of the SUV waiting for Jonah to make his appearance. Her hands continued to run over her thighs, straightening the stiff polyester skirt. Their driver Ben tried to not watch her but his wondering gaze let Vanessa know he saw right through her calm façade.

 Soon, the door opened and Jonah fell into the car. He was silent as he quickly fastened on his seatbelt and Vanessa used the opportunity to run her gaze across him. She released a heavy breath when she saw him in a dark black suit and simple white collared shirt. At least he knew to dress up. 

Jonah caught her looking and cleared his throat. "Is this alright? I didn't know what to wear and you never can go wrong with a penguin suit." 

Her lip quirked. "It's fine. Very appropriate." The car began its trip, pulling carefully into traffic. It was silent until they reached the freeway. light traffic slowed them down but it wasn't bad enough they needed to panic.

"So," said Jonah. She turned to look at him. "Are you ready?"

She nodded and flattened her skirt again. "A Brady is always prepared when addressing the public."

He huffed loudly but she refused to see the distaste in his eyes. It didn't matter anymore if she agreed with her parent's views; they were engraved into her now. "So you're also prepared for the physical confirmation of our relationship?"

She tried not to shiver. Just the thought of touching him already did crazy things to her. She set her gaze to the window and quietly said, "My family isn't big on PDA."

"What are the barriers?" he asked. She heard the leather of the seat squeak as he moved. When she looked at him, she saw his body turned to face her. 

"Kissing in public is not allowed. Neither is hand holding. Light touches are fine and close proximity are accepted."

He held a stiff and pensive look on his face. "I've seen Nick and Annabelle photographed doing more than that."

Vanessa rolled her eyes and stuck her jaw out. "Yes well, Nick has always rebelled. My parents have given up on him following the correct etiquette." 

"So why not follow in his footsteps. Those rules are outdated."

"I don't think it's appropriate to all over your partner anyway." She replied with a slight snap in her words.

He held his hands up defensively and turned to stare out the window. Their journey continued in silence yet Vanessa's unease never left her. Jonah's question had unintentionally filled her with dread and past feelings of inadequacy. He'd never understand it. He'd never realize just how hard it is to be in family like hers. Although, he was soon to get a taste of it. 

Their car pulled to a stop outside of a tall building. Light reflected off the large tinted windows. Vanessa had been there before. The Daily Gossip magazine was situated on the sixth floor. Jonah exited the car first and kept the door open as she moved across the seat. She was surprised by his act of chivalry. 

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