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Three weeks had passed since she'd last spoken to or seen Jonah. Vanessa had used the time to get moving along with the wedding planning. Her first job was to get a walk through of the venue scheduled. Once she'd finalised a date and time, she'd quickly fired an email off to Jonah. She wasn't sure why she wanted him there. She didn't necessarily need him there. Somehow, she'd come to rely on his creative input in the planning. It worried her. If she were to make a go at this as a career, she had to do it on her own.

Still, she wanted him there. He was going to be there and that was all she could focus on.

They arrived together at The Cove, a rustic and large entertainment venue high on the mountains and secluded amongst forestry. The main building was two stories high, a dark oak with fairy lights and lanterns hanging from exposed planks. Greenery followed them along a long path with orange spots of Birds of Paradise.
An elegant woman in a dark pencil skirt, floral blouse and shockingly tall heels met them at the entrance.

"Vanessa Brady in the flesh. It's an honour to finally meet you. It's always our pleasure to host an event for your family." The owner, one of the famous Drew sister's, smiled at her. Vanessa had never had dealings with The Cove before but her parents were known to use them for fundraisers.

Jenna Drew extended her hand towards Vanessa, her pencil-drawn eyebrows raised high. Vanessa smiled quickly and returned her handshake. She turned to Jonah and made the introductions. "This is Jonah Henderson." Jenna's eyes were quick to scan him but her interest wasn't lost on Vanessa.

"The groom!" She gushed. "I've been anxious to meet you." Vanessa's breath evaded her.

"Wait, what?" Jenna glanced her way then returned her sights to Jonah. He too looked perplexed.

"Well you said you were interested in viewing this place for the Brady wedding. I just assumed..." Her voice lowered as it trailed off, Jenna's eyes drifting to her skirt. She fluffed it.

Jonah's sudden laugh startled them. "We aren't getting married. I'm just a photographer." He motioned to his case which hung over his right shoulder. Black, and chunky and evident it held fancy equipment inside.

Jenna's cheeks blossomed. "My apologies. Let's get this moving along before I do make myself more of a fool."  She turned and led them further into the reception area and towards an office space. Jenna sat behind the desk and Vanessa and Jonah each took the visitors chairs. Two large albums were on the table. "So, who then is the wedding for?"

"My brother," replied Vanessa.

"He's already married."

"Yes but they were married in court and we feel they deserve a better event to remember."

Jenna's eyes sparkled. "That is so sweet. Do they know when they want it?"

"A date hasn't been set but we're looking more for Summer or Spring. We want to avoid the cold seasons."

"Of course. And which of our halls would you be interested in hiring?"

Jonah leaned forward in his seat. "We haven't decided but we're hoping we could first look at all of them."

"Of course. We can walk around now." She rose from her seat and ushered them out. "Our halls are size specific so depending on the amount of guests you're inviting, it may limit your choices."

"It isn't a big wedding," replied Vanessa.

Jenna's shoulders dropped slightly. "Well big or small we can make it special. Over here is our biggest hall. We call it The Cove and it's our headliner if you will." She pointed towards a massive building made from a strong metal in a rich and dark silver. Its frame was like an abstract art piece- all random bars with no covering. Instead of a wooden rooftop, slated metal sheets were angled to a short peak. Fairy lights covered the place as well as lanterns. Rose bushes grew along the side of the building varying in colors from a pastel pink to a vibrant rich red. Lush green grass covered the area making it look like something out of a Fairy tale book.  The main attraction was the rounded entrance creating a cave look to the building. It's curve was covered in delicate blue and violet flowers of varying species.

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