Chapter 22

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When Lan Anshi and the other return Wei Wuxian went to meet them at the gate. "Qingheng Jun," Qingheng Jun turn to look at Lan Wangji, who nodded his head. "Let's go have a talk," Wei Wuxian nodded his head.

Once they arrive at Lan Anshi room, he went in first, "Lan Zhan, Xichen ge, can you two come back tomorrow? I will give you the answer soon."

"Okay A-Xian, come Wangji, we need to go see Shifu," Lan Xichen dragged Lan Wangji away from there.

Wei Wuxian went to seat down in front of Lan Anshi, he take out the Yin Hufu from within him out of him. "A-Xian, what is this?" Wei Wuxian take out his flute and begin playing in it. The Yin Hufu react to the flute sound, "this is call Yin Hufu, I have been using this to help with the war against Wen Rouhan and his puppet. It have resentment energy in them."

"Resentment energy? Wait, didn't we destroy all of the Yin iron. Where did you get this Yin iron A-Xian?" Lan Anshi asked Wei Wuxian.

"I found one inside of the immortal turtle. It was an yin iron sword, it have gathered all of the resentment from all those who he have devoured. Then I found another one inside a place call the burial mound. I have been staying there for three month to forge this two Yin iron sword into this "Yin Hufu.""

"Yin Hufu. Did you use resentment energy to take down Wen Rouhan and everyone inside of the palace?" Wei Wuxian nodded his head. "Then that mean you have Yin energy inside of you."


"Dark energy is Yin, our golden core is Yang. If you master the Yin energy, then your core is balance. Were you able to control the Yin energy?"


"A-Xian, why didn't you want to tell A-Zhan first?" Lan Anshi asked Wei Wuxian. "I'm scare....I'm scare of what he will think of me. The Lan clan hated people who walk the path of demonic cultivation. That is why I didn't want to tell Lan Zhan."

"Silly child. Is true that there are people who study demonic cultivation are hated by other people because they afraid that they will kill them but there are some demonic cultivation isn't evil at all, they use it to help the weak and the innocent. I am sure that A-Zhan will understand you."


The next day, Wei Wuxian waited inside of Lan Xichen room, "A-Xian, no need to be nervous. Wangji won't hate you and neither will I." In come Lan Wangji, "Lan Zhan." Lan Wangji went to sit down next to Lan Xichen.

"I am dead anyway." Wei Wuxian begin tell both Lan brothers what he have told Lan Anshi. When Wei Wuxian is done, he look into both Lan Wangji and Lan Xichen eye, "you two aren't mad or hate that I learn demonic cultivation."

Wei Wuxian stand up, he ran out of there since Lan Wangji and Lan Xichen didn't said anything to Wei Wuxian.  "A-Xian! Wangji, why are you still here? He gone!"

Lan Xichen notice how his didi didn't get up to follow Wei Wuxian. Lan Xichen end up following Wei Wuxian instead.

Lan Xichen found Wei Wuxian crying inside of Lan Anshi room, "Fuqin," Lan Anshi shake his head. Lan Xichen sigh he left from there and went back to his room. When he arrive Lan Wangji is still there, "Wangji, why didn't you said anything to A-Xian?"

"Why didn't he come to tell me first, instead of telling Fuqin."

"Didn't A-Xian said that he want to talk to father first? You can't be angry at A-Xian for wanting to talk to Fuqin first. Right now he crying his eye out because we didn't said anything to him."

When Lan Wangji got up Lan Xichen said, "don't go to Fuqin place, just leave A-Xian alone for a while."

The next morning, Lan Wangji want to talk to Wei Wuxian only to have Wei Wuxian avoiding him. "A-Zhan," Lan Wangji turn around to look at his father, "Fuqin."

"Come," Lan Wangji look at Wei Wuxian one last time before following his father. "You should know better then getting angry at A-Xian just because he want to tell me first." Lan Anshi is disappointed in his son for acting like this.

"Give A-Xian some space before going to talk to him, okay?" Lan Wangji nodded his head.

"A-Xian," Wei Wuxian look up to see Lan Xichen smiling down at him. "A-Xian, I'm heading down to Caiyi town, do you want to come?"

"Can I have Tianzi Xiao?" Lan Xichen smile at this, "of course you can."

When Lan Xichen is done with his business in Caiyi town, the two went to the wine inn. "A-Xian, I'm sorry about the  other days. I was shock and surprise that you learn demonic cultivation. I do want you to know one thing, I don't hate you or angry at you for it. There are people that do demonic cultivation for evil and some do it for good. Like you A-Xian, you use it to fight against Wen Rouhan and his puppet."

Lan Xichen reach over as he put his hand on top of Wei Wuxian head, "No matter what you cultivate, A-Xian. You will always be A-Xian to us. Whoever try to go against you, the Lan clan will protect you. You are part of our family."

"Xichen ge."

Lan Xichen sat back down, "as for Wangji, give him some time. I'm sure he will come to accept your cultivation. Beside you two are soulmate after all. Soulmate trust one another and always be there for one another."

"Mn." Wei Wuxian look at Lan Xichen, "Xichen ge?"


"I don't know much about your mother. Can you tell me about her? It doesn't have to be the bad thing. Tell me good thing about her?" Lan Xichen is surprise that Wei Wuxian ask him to talk about his mother, "okay."

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