Chapter 2

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6 year later

After been found by Jiang Fengmian, Wei Wuxian is now living in the Jiang clan. His life there isn't that good, Yu Ziyuan always punished him. He never done anything wrong, she just doesn't like Wei Ying because she has a grudge against Wei Wuxian mother.

Every single day Wei Wuxian just smile, he smile so that no one can see his sadness, his hurt, and his loneliness. No one can see this beside Jiang Yanli, she understand Wei Wuxian better then anyone. Even if she ask Wei Wuxian about it, he end up hiding it.

Now they are heading to Gusu for their guest lecture. "I can't believe that we are in Gusu, look like fun!" Wei Wuxian look around Caiyi town.

"We are not here to have fun. We are here for a lecture, don't cause trouble for our clan," Jiang Wanyin scolded at Wei Wuxian. "I heard that Gusu have Tianzi Xiao! There wine is the best. I will need to go get some right now!"

"Wei Wuxian! You can't drink any wine while we are here!" Jiang Wanyin scolded Wei Wuxian again.

"What?! Why can't I drink wine?! Beside it is a moderate drinking can ease one's mind, no one can stop me!" Wei Wuxian said with a proud smile on his face.

"You! A-Die shouldn't have let you come to the guest lecture from the very beginning." Wei Wuxian and Jiang Wanyin glared at one another, "Enough, you two. Stop talking so much. We need to find an inn before the sun goes down."

After hearing his sister stopping the fight between the two of them, Jiang Wanyin turn to look at Wei Wuxian again. "Wei Wuxian, I'm just going to tell you this one last time-"Jiang Wanyin didn't get to finish what he want to said when Wei Wuxian butt in, "I already ear is going to fall off if I keep on listen to your nagging. I'm going ahead first." After saying that Wei Wuxian left the group.

"Oi Wei Wuxian!" Jiang Wanyin turn to look at his sister, "Jie, just look at him. I have a bad feeling that he will cause trouble in Yunshen Buzhi Chu."

"That is how A-Xian personality is, he is a lively person. It is not a bad thing A-Cheng. A-Die did said the same thing too."

Jiang Wanyin is jealous that his father and sister like Wei Wuxian more, "Jie, you and A-Die is always taking his side."

"A-Cheng, we can't change A-Xian personality beside the disciple of the Yunmeng Jiang clan have always been a care free person," after saying that they walk to find an inn to stay in.

When they finally found an inn the waiter there tell them that a young master already taken the whole inn. They soon see two girl in gold clothes handing the waiter a pouch full of gold.

"Aren't they from the Jin clan? Are they here for the lecture as well?" Jiang Wanyin whispered to Wei Wuxian who is looking at the two Jin girl that is walking up the stair. Wei Wuxian follow them, he ask the girl name Mian Mian to see if they can give one extra room for him, Jiang Wanyin and Jiang Yanli.

When they did got one, a minute later the waiter came by to tell them that the young master Jin want to take that room too. The Jiang clan disciple end up walking to Cloud Recesse since they still have time to get there.

But when they got there they realized that they lost their invitation, and now they can't enter, "I'm sorry gongzi without your invitation we don't know who you are. It is our Lan clan rule without an invitation you can't enter."

"Listen here young man, I have told you over and over again many time already, we lost our invitation. We didn't mean to loose it. Beside can't you tell that we are real not fake?" Wei Wuxian try to get the gate keeper to let them into cloud Recesse.

The gate keeper repeated the same thing, he can't let them in without an invitation, he doesn't know which clan they are from or who they are. Wei Wuxian is getting annoy by this Lan disciple, "Can't you tell that the sun is about to set? Are you just going to stand there and watch us staying out on the street all night long? How about this then? Can you go ask you sect leader to meet our disciple sister. With just one look, then he will know that we are telling the truth."

"Then please wait here until 5:45 Pm. Someone else will come switch place for me and then you can tell them." This got Wei Wuxian even more annoyed, "What?! 5:45 PM?! You want us to wait that long! The sun will be gone by then!"

"A-Xian, watch your manner." Wei Wuxian walk back over to where Jiang Yanli and Jiang Wanyin is at, "But Shijie......"

"Fuqin instructed that. No matter what we can't lose our propriety." Wei Wuxian glanced back at the gate keeper, he is quiet annoy with him.

"Let's leave the mountain first and we can deal with this situation later," just as the Jiang clan disciple is about to turn around to leave a person in all white and a stoic face walking in their direction.

This person walk pass the Jiang clan to the gate keeper, "what with all the loud noise?" That gate keeper begin to tell that person what is happening right now.

Jiang Wanyin is whispering to Wei Wuxian about who this person is, "This is Lan er gongzi. His name is Lan Wangji, he is one of the Two Jades of the Lan Sect. He is also Sect leader Lan Xichen didi."

"Then he can help us to get in," Wei Wuxian whispered back to Jiang Wanyin.

In the back a couple of Lan disciple is carrying an unconscious Lan disciple on a stretcher, the Jiang clan step aside to let them through. As they walk pass Jiang Wanyin and Wei Wuxian, the two noticed something is wrong with him.

"How come he died so horribly?" Jiang Wanyin asked Wei Wuxian. "Died? I don't think so, not from what I just see. It look more like he has been possessed by evil magic."

"Black Magic?"

Hearing what Wei Wuxian and Jiang Wanyin just said, Lan Wangji turn around to look at the two but his eye lingered on Wei Wuxian instead. The two of them have met once when they were little but now since they are all grown up that memories have faded from their mind.

This is the meeting of two soulmate once again.
I am not going to write the whole scene. It doesn't really go with my story. Well enjoy now! Thank you for reading!

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