Chapter 17 - No Mercy

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The clock was ticking. That was the only sound that could be heard in that big room. Kingo stood at his usual place as he stared at the skinny guy, Banda, across the room. Of course, with a smirk on his lips while the latter had his usual stoic face as he stared back at the tall man. No one backed off, it stayed like that for almost 3 minutes until Kingo yelled "Ahh my eyes!! You won!" he blinked as he rubbed his eyes. His dry eyes syndrome didn't help him to win the unintentional starring contest. Banda didn't even react, no smile, no expression was seen on his face. He just kept staring at the tall man like the creepy guy he was. The man with the suit and his side chick watched the two from the other side. "Idiot" the man in suit, Yaba, scoffed.

Not long after that, Matsushita came out from the storage room and he went to wherever Banda was, that was the time the skinny guy took off his eyes from Kingo. As if on cue, the girl, Kotoko, went to the storage room to get some cigarettes for her 'master'.


"There are only 6 of us left, and honestly I don't even trust my friend. I asked that guy Matsushita what my symbol is but he told me he doesn't trust me and I'm pretty sure he lied to me too. Sort of hunch I guess" Chishiya found his new target when Kotoko entered the storage room.

"So would you mind telling me what my symbol is? I know it is kind of a big thing to ask" he asked as he got closer to the girl but still maintained his distance. Didn't want to look like a creep, did he?

"If you want, I promise to tell you your symbol in exchange" Though Kotoko stayed silent, the white-haired man kept initiating the conversation. He knew he didn't need an answer from the girl. He just needs to get inside her head.

"I.. Don't mean to presume, but you strike me as an honest person. At least from over here. Also, that Yaba guy strikes me as a bit of a con man, and since you're aligned with him, I thought you should know" Chishiya threw his last sentence to the girl but it still didn't make her use her voice to him, instead, she left him.


Kingo watched Kotoko leave the storage room and not long after that the white-haired man also left the storage room. He went to where Kingo was to only greeted by a chuckle by the tall man "Let me guess, she ignored you, didn't she?" Chishiya let out the same chuckle, accepting the mockery by the tall man. "You sure know your way around girls huh" Kingo said sarcastically.

"Not my best day" Chishiya wasn't really a person of talking. He doesn't usually go around talking to girls, but usually, when he puts his mind to it, he knows how to charm them. But this time, this time it didn't work, maybe because he wasn't that interested. He already knows they're winning.

"So, do you think this will end now?" Kingo asked as he fixed his glasses.

"Most likely. At least one person will be dead this round, and from there we just need to wait until he gives up, we have nothing to worry" Chisiya answered confidently. It's so out of character of him to trust Kingo that much. What's gotten into him lately?

"Agreed" Kingo nodded as he also thought he had nothing to worry about this game.

"Now to think of it, this game kinda disappoints me" Kingo suddenly spoke after they went into silent mode as they waited for the time they were called to their cells.

"True... This game doesn't feel like a heart game at all, especially a face card game.." Chishiya commented.

"I guess he was too confident people would go to this game by themselves since it's a heart game. I bet he didn't expect people would come here with someone they trust" Kingo said as he looked at the man beside him at the end of his sentence, a smile crooked at the corner of his lips.

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