Extras 2

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(I'm bored because I have been waiting for my professor for almost 4 hours. And also I have some things that I had on my mind about Kingo's character that I didn't had a chance to mentioned it on the story so.. let's just pretend that someone interviewed him 🤣)

* I : Interviewer, K : Kingo

I: What's your name?
K: My full name? Oh.. It's Agon Kingo, but some people here called me King, or you can call me Mine *wink

I: Are you always this cringe?
K: Ouch.. But I guess yeah.. Can't help it.. It's just me.. So I'm not sorry tho..

I: what's your MBTI and star sign?
K: why are people so obsessed with these kinds of things?
I: so you don't know what's yours?
K: I do.. Ehmm.. I think I'm ENTJ, at least that's what my friend told me, I don't know what that even mean, for zodiac I forgot.. What am I if my birthdate is 4th November?
I: You're a Scorpio. Such a red flag.
K: heyyy... What's that supposed to mean? How come you just assume someone's personality just based on when their parents conceived them, It doesn't make sense..

I: never mind, moving on, why people called you King?
K: I don't know.. Maybe Because I always win? I could say I'm good at games.. I got lot of higher cards in here.. And then someday they just started call me that.. I don't hate how it sounds so I don't mind. Now to think of it.. I think they already called me ever since my first day in here.. Huh.. Weird.. Well I guess they've heard about me.

I: what's your size?
K: huh? I don't know.. XL? XXL? Depends on what I got tho.. If it's T-shirts, I usually went for XXL.. It's hard to find the perfect size when you're taller than average men in here.

I: How tall are you?
K: maybe around 6 feet 2? I don't know at least I was that tall when I was in High School but it was yeeaarrsss ago, I'm sure I grew on few more inches along those years. There's no way I shrunk right?

I: would you like me to measure your height? *pulled off a measure tape*
K: sure... Did you bring that everywhere?
I: 6 feet... 5. Wow.. You're actually almost 2 meters.
K: really? No wonder I always hit my head in most places.

I: are you a good dancer?
K: I love dancing! Am I a good one? I don't know, you tell me. *proceed to dance wildly.

K: how about that?
I: so no
K: Heyy!!

I: are you a good singer?
K: no.. No I'm not.. But I love music.. I can play drum and a little bit of piano.

I: if you have to, what's your go to song in karaoke?
K: I think it would be So Far Away from Avenged Sevenfold. I can't sing like Matt but whenever I have to sing somehow I always ended with that song.

I: Do you have any hobby?
K: I love moving my body.. Anything that would make me sweats, if you know what I mean *wink, but I'm serious.. I love outdoor activities, something that make your adrenaline on the roof, anything, you named it. But I hate working out. Anything, just not something boring like cardio or whatever, is that make sense?

I: I don't know, don't ask me, I'm here the one who asking you questions.
K: Right.. Sorry.. Go on.

I: What is your favorite gift?
K: hmm... Let's see.. There's no any specific thing I think... Hmm.. Oohhh.. Oohhh... I like flowers.. Yeah.. Well I don't like them if I have to buy it.. But I love when someone gave me that. I received lot of flowers or chocolate when I was in High School especially on Valentines but I don't eat chocolate, I'm allergic to them, so I like the flowers. But these days people don't gave me flower anymore. I mean yeah they still gave me gifts like watch, clothes, bags or whatever..  But I don't need them, I mean I could buy them by myself, but flowers? No. It's not something I would buy, it's something that you should get from someone.

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