Chapter 5

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The six walked into the pack house. 

 "I mind-linked dad that we need to talk to him and mom. He said they were in his office." Adilynn replied. 

 "Ok. Let's go." Jayce stated, walking up the stairs. 

 Elmira looked at his siblings. "Is he...Always this...cold?" she asked, looking at him. 

 "Yea, basically. He's not really cold towards his family and you're family now. All of you. Although...." Alexander trailed off. 

 "Although what?" Henry asked, raising an eyebrow. 

 "Henry, Jayce has grown cold to mom and dad...It hurts them. And it hurts Alexander and I to see them so hurt. We don't know what to do..." Adilynn frowned sadly. 

 "It's ok, muffin. We'll talk to him. Elmira, I think, can work wonders with your brother." 

 "Thanks, Henry.." the girl smiled and took his hand, leading him up the stairs. The others followed. 

 Elmira was deep in thought. There was more, she knew, than Jayce just being cold. She shook her head and followed the others into a room. She saw a man and a woman, whom she assumed was the Alpha and Luna. Elmira, Henry, and Elodie bowed their heads in respect. 

 "It is an honor to meet you, Alpha, Luna." Elmira spoke up. 

 Liam stood up, Hannah holding onto his arm. She led him in front of the desk. 

 "Mom, dad, these are our mates." Alexander spoke up. 

 His parents nodded. "Rogues I see.." Liam said quietly. 

 "Yes sir..." Henry looked down. 

 "This is Henry, dad. And these are his sisters, Elodie and Elmira." Adilynn replied, putting her arm around Henry. 

 "I can see you clearly care a lot about him, Adilynn." Hannah smiled at her daughter. 

 "Oh, I do, mom! He's wonderful!" the girl exclaimed happily. 

 Hannah and Liam smiled as they held each other's hand. 

 "Well, we have learned, that not all rogues are evil. That some can be trusted. And, I, Alpha Liam, of the Silver Star Pack," Liam spoke up. 

 "And, I, Hannah, Luna of the Silver Star Pack," Hannah replied.

 "Accept and welcome you into our pack and family." 

 The six smiled brightly. Although, Jayce and Alexander had some worries. They smiled, but it was certainly not at bright as those of Henry and Adilynn. Elmira and Elodie's smiled mirrored those of their mates' smiles. They knew something was wrong with them, but didn't know what.


 Elena, her little sister, Faith, and Tana were hanging out with their cousin, Juliana. They were at an ice cream stand, getting some ice cream. While Faith and Elena were paying for the ice cream and waiting for it, Tana and Juliana waited on a bench. 

 "Is something troubling you, Tana?" Juliana asked, her Italian accent showing clearly in her words. 

 "Well, nothing really..." Tana said slowly. 

 "Are you sure? You know you can always talk to me. I'm always here when you need someone to talk to." 

 Tana smiled at her. "Yes, Julie. I'm sure." Julie was a nickname her family sometimes called Juliana. 

 Elena and Faith were about to head back to their cousins, when Elena suddenly bumped into someone, making her fall backwards. She usually would have said something. But this time, she didn't. She sniffed the air before looking up and freezing. The boy she'd bumped into stared at her, frozen in place. 

 "Mate." they whispered in unison.

  Faith stared at the two, wide eyed before finally breaking, what was for her, an awkward silence. "Elena, what's going on?? Who is he??" Elena and the boy were brought out of their daze. 

 "I'm very sorry for bumping into you and making you spill your ice cream," the boy began. Please let me buy you a new one." He reached down to help Elena up. 

 "You don't have to, really. It was probably my fault, anyway." 

 "I insist. Please." the boy smiled and winked at her. 

 "Well, alright.." she replied. The boy nodded and asked which flavors she'd had. "French Vanilla with chocolate sprinkles and a plain chocolate dipped cone, and Fudge Swirl in a bowel with rainbow sprinkles." The boy nodded and walked to the counter. 

 "Elena, who was he??" Faith asked her. 

 "It seems, little sister, that he's my mate.." Elena answered, looking from her sister to her mate. 

 It took a minute for the twelve year old to register what her older sister had said. Finally, Faith smiled and squealed in excitement, just as the boy was returning. "My sister found her mate!" she yelled, jumping up and down excitedly. "I'm gonna tell Tana and Juliana!" The girl ignored her sister, as Elena called after her. 

 "Sorry about her...She's been looking forward to this day almost as much as I have.." 

 "It's no problem. My older brother will probably react the same way." the boy laughed. Elena blushed. She found his laugh and smile super attractive. 

 Although personally, Angela's is way better. I mean, you haven't seen a smile or heard a laugh till you've seen and heard her! 


 Oh, right, sorry. Anyways, back to the story.

 "My name is Jason. What's your name?" the boy asked her. 

 "Elena.." Elena replied with a smile. 

 "Well, Elena, it is an honor to meet you....Princess.~" Jason bowed to her, causing Elena to blush furiously. Jason's cheeks were a little pink as well. 

 "It's an honor to meet you too.." Elena said shakily. "Would you like to come have some ice cream with my cousins, sister, and I..?" she asked. 

 "Sure, princess. I'd love to." Jason replied, following behind Elena as she led him to where her cousins were waiting. When the two reached Juliana, Tana, and Faith, the three arose from the bench. 

 "Guys, I'd like you to meet Jason...My mate.." Elena introduced, a smile never leaving her face. 

 Jason bowed to the three. "It's a pleasure to meet you girls." 

 "You as well, Signore Jason." Juliana smiled at him. 

 "It is nice to meet you, Jason." Tana replied, shaking his hand. 

 "Jason, this is Tana, my eldest cousin, this is Juliana, another cousin, and you already know my little sister, Faith." 

 "It's so good to meet you, Mr. Jason! I'm finally gonna have a big brother! I'm so excited!" Faith exclaimed in excitement. 

 Jason laughed and got down to her height. "Well, I'm excited too, Faith. And I am pleased to meet my future little sister." 

 Elena smiled brightly as she watched the two. Faith was so energetic sometimes, that sometimes, Elena was worried her mate wouldn't accept her because of her sister. Faith was an amazing sister and she loved her a lot. And now, Elena was really happy. Not just because she found her mate. But because he got along with Faith. "Now I just need him to get along with mom, dad, and the rest of my family..." she thought.

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