Chapter 4

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 "Hey, Jayce, want to go for a walk after breakfast?" Alexander asked. 

 Jayce looked up at his siblings standing in his doorway. "Sure, why not? Not doing anything else." he mumbled the last part under his breath. 

 Adilynn and Alexander sighed and looked at each other. 

 "Hey, mom, we're going for a walk and have a picnic lunch. Is it ok?" Adilynn asked when they'd gotten down the stairs. 

 "Of course, honey. Just make sure you three are back for supper." Hannah replied with a smile, looking at her daughter. 

 "We will. Thank you, mom." Alexander nodded. 

 Jayce didn't say anything. He just walked out of the house ahead of his siblings with a straight face. Hannah sighed and frowned. 

 "Mom...Are you ok..?" Adilynn asked gently. 

 "I'm alright, sweetheart. Now, go on." her mother replied with a smile. Her children could see right through Hannah's smile, but didn't push it.

 Jayce looked at his mother after he'd left the room. He saw how sad she looked. Yesterday, he saw the tears in her eyes. "I'm such a pathetic son..." he murmured. 

 "Jayce! We're ready!" Adilynn said enthusiastically, as she and Alexander entered the room he was in. 

 Jayce nodded and the three set off. They had a special spot they liked to go to. Just for them. The three were closer to each other than anyone else in their family. But they were close to their cousins, aunts, uncles, and parents. Well, as you have seen, Jayce has grown distant with his parents, sadly...The siblings settled down in their special spot near the edge of the pack. 

 "So, Jayce, we wanted to talk to you about something..." Alexander began, looking down nervously. 

 "What is it?" he asked, looking between his sister and his brother. 

 "It's about mom and dad. You are so cold and rude to them! You practically ignore their existence!" Adilynn declared, her anger flaring up. 

 "You don't understand. They won't let me be a warrior! That's all I ever wanted to be ever since I was little! And I'm the best one out there!" 

 "Actually, they never said you weren't allowed to be a warrior. They only said you'd be out until you learned to calm down. Not only are you cold, but you're aggressive. You put Uncle Mason in the hospital, for crying out loud!" Alexander remarked. 

 Jayce was about to retort, when the three snapped to attention. They sniffed the air. They stood up and looked at each other. They nodded and raced forward and into the woods, not caring they had exited the pack. They stopped short when they came upon three people their age, sitting on the ground, huddled together. A boy about sixteen or seventeen and two girls. One, about seventeen or eighteen, the other, eighteen or nineteen. The three stared at one another. 

 "Mate," the six said in unison. 

 The boy stood up and walked over to Adilynn, taking her hands in his. "Hello," he began, a sparkle in his hazel eyes as he spoke to her. Adilynn gave a small blush. "I'm Henry. What's your name, muffin?" 

 "A-Adilynn..." the girl smiled at him shyly. 

 "Adilynn...What a lovely name for a lovely girl like you.." Henry replied, winking. 

 Adilynn rolled her eyes and giggled. 

 "I'm Jayce. What's your name?" Jayce asked, sitting beside his mate, putting his arm around her. 

 "I'm Elmira. It's nice to meet you, Jayce.." Elmira smiled at Jayce, a twinkle in her blue eyes. 

 "I'm Elodie....How about you..?" the girl sitting beside Elmira looked up at Alexander. She stood up and walked over to him. 

 "Um...I'm Alexander.." 

 "It's nice to meet you all." Henry replied, looking at Adilynn's brothers and then, back at Adilynn. 

 "It's really nice to meet you three as well.." Adilynn smiled shyly. 

 "Mom and dad must be worried...I just realized we've exited our pack.." Alexander said a few minutes later. 

 "We need to get back. Please, come with us." Jayce requested. 

 "Jayce, we're rogues. We can sense from the power radiating off Alexander, that he's a future Alpha. Is that a good idea??" Henry asked. 

 "If mom and dad aren't ok with it, Henry, I'll go rogue just to be with you." 

 "Adilynn-" Jayce growled warningly. 

 "What?? He's my mate. You expect me not to want to be with him??" his sister glared at him. "Sorry about him. He's really protective..." 

 "It's ok. I understand, muffin. I'm protective of my sisters as well. And now that I've found you, I will protect you with my life as well as Elmira and Elodie." Adilynn blushed at Henry's words. 

 "Our great aunt was mated with a rogue. I think they will accept you." Adilynn told them. 

 "Well...Alright...We'll give it a try.." Henry said slowly. 

 Adilynn took his hand and led him out of the woods. Jayce, Elmira, Elodie, and Alexander followed close behind. Henry, Elmira, and Elodie noticed how cold Jayce seemed. He was so closed off. Alexander, they noticed, was human, which confused them since they could sense power radiating off him. They also noticed how quiet and nervous he was. He'd always been like that. They were a little concerned about them. Especially Elmira and Elodie. Elodie about Alexander and Elmira about Jayce. The three stayed close behind their mates, feeling nervous and kinda scared. It had been a long time since Elmira and Henry had been in a pack. Elodie had been born a rogue. Their back story was sad and tragic, but you will find out more later. For now, we shall focus on Hannah and Liam meeting their children's mates.

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