Chapter 6

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 A few months past. Henry and Adilynn were getting along fine. In fact, Henry had a special surprise in mind. Some may say it was too soon. That they should get to know one another a little more. But, Henry loved her so very much and felt he knew her already. Elmira and Elodie had had no luck with their mates. Jayce rarely spent time with Elmira. And Alexander, when he spent time with Elodie, seemed a little nervous. Like, he was just waiting for something. Elodie and Elmira didn't know what to do. They were a little nervous about approaching them. Jayce and Alexander could see their mates were troubled, which troubled them. 

 "Elodie, is something wrong...?" Alexander asked. He, his siblings, mate, Elmira, and Henry had gone on a picnic. Elodie and Alexander were taking a walk while Jayce, Elmira, Adilynn, and Henry set up the picnic. 

 She looked at him. "How'd you know I was upset?" she asked. 

 "I don't need to be a wolf to see that it's in your eyes. What's wrong, Elodie?" Elodie sighed and sat down in the grass. Alexander sat down beside her. 

 "I guess...I'm worried about you..." 

 Alexander stared at her. "Worried about me??" 

 "Yes, Alexander. I can see you are troubled and closed off about your feelings. You won't let anyone in. When we're together, you seem nervous. Like you're just waiting for something to happen." 

 Alexander sighed. "I had a feeling you were going to ask me about that sooner or later..." the girl looked at him. "I guess....I was waiting for you to reject me..." 

 "What?!!" she nearly yelled. Alexander winced at her tone. "S-sorry! Just...Why in the world would I reject you??" 

 "Because I'm human! I won't be able to protect you. And I know I won't be a good Alpha. I wish mom and dad would just pick Jayce to be Alpha..." 

 "Alexander, I know you're human...But that doesn't mean I love you any less. I don't love you because you're a future Alpha. But because you are you. My mate. The boy I've been waiting for since the day I learned about mates! Part of me wondered if you would reject me..." Alexander stared at her. "Because I'm a rogue. And because it seemed as if you didn't like me..." 

 "Well, you're right about one thing. I don't like you." Elodie looked up at him, her eyes a little wide and misty. "I love you." Alexander pulled her in for a hug. Elodie seemed a little surprised, but relaxed in his warm embrace. A content smile rested on the couple's faces. 

 Elmira saw the two hugging happily. She frowned and sighed sadly. "I wish that could be me..." she thought. 

 "Elmira? Are you ok?" Henry asked. 

 She snapped to attention and looked at the three. Jayce, Henry, and Adilynn looked at her, concerned. "Oh, I'm alright, brother. Thank you." 

 Jayce looked back down at the picnic basket. He gave a small smile and a satisfied grunt as he continued to set up the picnic. 

 "Something isn't right with her. I know my sister and that...Something is bothering her." Henry whispered to Adilynn.

 "I thought she seemed a little off. Even though she said she was fine. Obviously Jayce doesn't see that." she remarked in a low whisper. 

 "We can talk to her later, if you want. I'm sure she'll be ok." Adilynn smiled. "Ok, Addy," Henry pecked her forehead, after looking towards Jayce for a second. 

 Jayce didn't seem to notice how Elmira was feeling. But, he saw a look in her eye. All through the picnic and as they were walking back, he kept glancing her way. He wanted to talk to her, but didn't know how. Jayce was cold and never talked much. One reason of why he was feared around the pack. 

 After the three couples got back to the pack house, Jayce went to the training field. Elmira watched as he walked away before following after her sister and Alexander. Henry and Adilynn went up to her room. 

 "So, how old are you, Henry?" Adilynn asked. 

 "Seventeen. How about you?" 

 "I'm actually fifteen...But I am turning sixteen soon." 

 Henry's eyes went wide. "Fifteen? How did-?" 

 "I don't know. My grandfather and his siblings were chosen as the saviors of this pack. Maybe the moon goddess has something in mind for me..." 

 "Maybe. I wouldn't put it past her. One thing I know about her. She has wonderful taste in mates." Henry winked. 

 "Henry!" Adilynn giggled. "So, I did want to ask you, you and Alexander don't really look alike. You don't quite look like your mom and dad either." 

 "Oh, Jayce and I are adopted. We are biologically siblings. We were orphaned when were we little..." 

 Henry frowned. "I'm so sorry, muffin.." 

 "It's alright...We met the Luna and Alpha not very long after and we got along really well. Later, we met Alexander. And, even though they could never replace our real parents, they've become just like our real parents and we think of them that way. Well, I do...I don't know about Jayce anymore...Alexander, I know, feels like a real brother to us both." 

 "So, has Jayce really always been like this..?" 

 Adilynn shrugged and sighed, shaking her head. "When we were little, he was always protective of me. When we were adopted, he was protective of me and Alexander. He wasn't always so cold. But as we grew up, he began to change...More and more people would make fun of Alex for being human and they would tell him this pack will fall with him as Alpha. And Jayce...he started getting into fight after fight after fight with them. Over time, his attitude changed. He was cold and violent. He's become a great fighter. But.....He's so violent, he's become too good. I'm not even sure he knows how to take it easy in training." Henry frowned as he listened. "He was training to be a warrior. But mom and dad told him he wouldn't be in training to be a warrior until he settles down. He's already put a couple trainers in the hospital, including my dad's Uncle Mason! They're fine, thank goodness...But Jayce is angry at mom and dad. And I'm...worried about him....At this rate I don't even know if Elmira can do anything! He usually doesn't even pay any attention to her!" 

 "I know, Adilynn...I wish I could tell you everything's going to be ok. Or what to do, but I can't do either. But, Elmira is pretty stubborn when she wants to be. When she's had enough, you can bet he'll listen well to her. Like, fifty years from that conversation, he'd still be able to tell you exactly what she said." The couple laughed and Henry put his arm around her. "Eventually, I think everything will work out in it's own time, muffin. Don't worry, I'm here.." Adilynn smiled and they put their foreheads together. 

 "Mark me." Adilynn whispered. 

 Henry's eyes went wide and he sat up. "What?" 

 "Mark me." 

 "A-are you sure..? Are you sure you're ready?" 

 "I am very sure. Henry, I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you. I am ready for people to know I'm yours." 

 Henry sighed and nodded. "Alright...If you'll mark me too. I want people to know I am yours too. I love you too, Addy. And I want to spend the rest of my life with you too." 

 Adilynn smiled brightly and leaned forward. Henry tilted his head, giving her more space. When she found that spot, she bit down, marking him. He jumped and gripped her arm tightly. 

 "I'm sorry!" she exclaimed. 

 Henry chuckled. "It's alright. Almost immediately, I felt pleasure replace the pain. Are you ready, little muffin?" 

 Adilynn nodded and tilted her head for Henry. Henry ran his teeth over her neck. When she groaned lightly, he knew that was the sweet spot he was looking for. He bit down, marking her. She squealed, gripping him tightly. But, almost immediately, like he had told her, pleasure replaced the pain. The couple smiled at each other. 

 "Thank you, Henry...I love you.." Adilynn whispered in her mate's ear. 

 "You're welcome. Thank you, Addy....I love you too..." he whispered back. And with that, the couple kissed lovingly.

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