Chapter 13: Heart and Star Shaped Cookies

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I kept peeking past the curtains the following morning, waiting for the snow to arrive. It was breezy outside, but it hadn't gotten that windy yet.

"The weather changed it. They said the snow storm isn't supposed to start until late tonight now," Tobey informed me as he came over.

"It seems like they're always changing the weather, even the day of," I noted.

"Yeah, it happens a lot. That means we can still probably go to the church tonight. I don't think there are any closings."

"I would love that. I was really disappointed that we weren't going to be able to go."

Leo came into the living room just then, since we had finished getting ready at different times. Even though we weren't originally leaving the house, we still wanted to dress up for Christmas Eve. I was in a black skirt with black tights, my sweater a dark purple with sparkles in it. Tobey and Leo basically just put polo shirts on, which were casual yet nice.

"Did you hear we'll probably be able to go to the church tonight," I asked Leo as he wrapped his arm around me, kissing the side of my head.

"That's good. I wanted to see it, since it was in the Home Alone movie," he replied.

"Me too. Well, what should we do until tonight then? The service literally doesn't start until like 6 at night," I slightly laughed.

"We could make some cookies."

"Us making stuff together didn't go well last time. We literally had a food fight with whipped cream, remember?" I could already see that image of us getting distracted from our sundaes.

"Yeah, but we're not fighting now, so it should go a lot smoother."

"That's true," I nodded. "Did we even get anything for cookie dough?"

"Yeah, we have all the essentials to make it from scratch," he confirmed.

"Okay, but what kind of cookie should we make?"

"What about chocolate chip cookies with cookie cutters?"

"Is that possible? I'm so used to rolling them up into a ball. Normally sugar cookies are the ones you flatten and use cookie cutters on."

"I'm sure it will still work. They have a bunch of cookie cutters in the house for decoration, but we can just use them for real cooking."

I giggled as he grabbed the kitchen items that were randomly hanging on walls neatly. Eventually we had plenty of stars and hearts. I was disappointed they didn't have other shapes, but I knew these would turn out really cute. Tobey came into the kitchen shortly after we got all the ingredients laid out. I smiled warmly as Leo read off the list, while I put the different measurements into the mixing bowl. Tobey was just waiting to participate in the cookie cutting part, me blushing when Leo literally put his hands over mine to help me stir.

Eventually we were ready to make the shapes, me doing most of the hearts, while Tobey and Leo teamed up for the stars. I felt nervous yet excited when we popped the tray into the oven, wondering how they would turn out.

"I love how much fun something as simple as this is together," I commented as we stood around.

"Yeah, Leo and I have never really cooked together before. We're so busy with our schedules," Tobey admitted.

"We should do it more often," Leo agreed.

"Yeah, we could make pasta. Maybe a salad to go with it. Or better yet, spaghetti with salad."

I felt a pang of sadness at how they were discussing the future together, but I still didn't know how I fit into that picture.

"You okay, Bonnie? You got quiet," Tobey said.

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